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1918 The Royal Air Force was formed, by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service.

1912 Cancer cells are grown in the laboratory, the first long-term tissue culture. 1912年,癌细胞在实验室中生长,首次长时间的组织培养.
1914 Cyprus was annexed to British on the outbreak of war with Turkey. 英土战争爆发,英国吞并塞浦路斯。
1916 Sir Hiram Maxim, English-born American inventor of machine-gun in 1883, died in London. 1883年发明机枪的英裔美国人海勒姆·马克沁在伦敦去世。
1917 The Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, overthrew Alexander Kerensky′s government in Petrograd. 在彼得格勒,列宁领导布尔什维克推翻了克伦斯基政府。
1917 The first contingent of the American Expeditionary Force landed in France in World War I, with General John Pershing commander-in-chief. 在第一次世界大战中,以约翰·珀欣将军为总司令的美国远征军的第一分遣队在法国登陆。
1918 The Royal Air Force was formed, by the amalgamation of the Royal Flying Corps and the Royal Naval Air Service. 英国皇家飞行队和皇家海军航空部队合并,成立英国皇家空军。
1918 The last Tsar, Nicholas Ⅱ, was murdered with his 5 children. 俄国末代皇尼古拉二世以及他的5个孩子被谋杀。
1919 John Alcock and Arthur Whitten Brown completed the first non-stop Transatlantic fight. 英国飞行员约翰·奥尔科克与阿瑟·惠顿·布朗一起首次完成飞越大西洋的直达飞行。
192 How long will your offer hold good? 一般你们报盘的有效期是多长?
1920 The Hague was made the permanent seat of the International Court of Justice. 海牙被确定为国际法庭的永久性所在地。
1920 The chocolate and Pasta operations are added. 产品系列中增加了巧克力和意大利面制品。

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