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He jumped into the river to catch the big bass in defiance of the cold water.

He jump ship to a famous computer company. 他跳槽去了一个著名的计算机公司。
He jumped back as if he had been stung, and the blood rushed into his wrinkled face. 他向后一跳,仿佛被什么东西螫了一下似地,他那张布满皱纹的脸顿时涨得通红。
He jumped down my thraot at the mention of his wife. 一提到他的妻子,他就暴跳如雷。
He jumped down my throat at the mention of his wife! 他一提到他的妻子就暴跳如雷!
He jumped into the Miluo River. 他跳入汨罗江。
He jumped into the river to catch the big bass in defiance of the cold water. 他不顾河水冰冷跳下去捉那条鲈鱼。
He jumped off the horse and went straight into the hut. 他跳下马, 径直朝小屋走去。
He jumped on his bicycle and . 他跳上自行车就骑走了。
He jumped onto the table. 他跳上了桌子。
He jumped out of bed. Wow, I can walk! 他从床上跳起来,“哇,我能走了!
He jumped over the brook. 他跳过小溪。

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