How Does Diversity Affect Supervisors?
多样性将如何影响管理者? |
How Does Earth's Interior Work?
地球内部是怎样的? |
How Does Globalization Affect Supervisors?
全球化对管理者而言有何影响? |
How Does Man Obtain Energy?
人类如何获得能量? |
How Does a Single Somatic Cell Become a Whole Plant?
一个普通的植物细胞如何长成一整棵植物? |
How Does the Case Method Work?
案例教学是怎样进行的呢? |
How Dogs Came to Sniff Under Tails?
为何狗会去闻尾巴下面? |
How Far Can We Push Chemical Self-Assembly?
化学自装配技术能够发展到什么程度? |
How Far Is the Digital Library?
数字化图书馆离我们有多远? |
How Gustav and his family left their noise-shattered home, travelled the world in search of the lost music and triumphantly brought it home again.
处在一个噪音以及摇滚音乐环绕的环境中,是一件令人难过的事,鼹鼠爸爸如何找回生活中的音乐呢?书中还以动物为主角,介绍了许多不同国家中具代表性的动物及乐器。 |
How Harry came into the possession of this outlandish stuff makes an interesting story which he is fond of relating.
哈里如何得到这种稀奇古怪的东西,是一个他津津乐道的有趣的故事。 |