Blue : coolness, spirituality, freedom, patience, loyalty, peace, trustworthiness; can also imply sadness, depression. |
中文意思: 蓝色:冷静、灵性、自由、耐心、忠诚、和平、信任;同样也暗示着悲伤、沮丧。 |
Blow-drying replace the old method of putt curler into wet hair.
边吹乾边吹发型的方法取代了湿发上卷子的老方法。 |
Blower be protected off mote,low noise,avoid mote drop in raw.
隔尘、静音风机、杜绝进入原料尘埃,确保原料精纯度。 |
Blowing five grand in Vegas every weekend.
每个周末祸害5000元去维加斯。 |
Blown over like a ship at sea, by the howling sins of history.
就象在海上的一只船﹐我曾经犯过的种种罪会呼啸而来﹐再次把我吹翻。 |
Blu-ray discs also accounted for 70 per cent of high-definition movie sales in the first quarter of 2007, with three in every four hi-def movies sold in March on the next-gen format.
2007年第一季度,蓝光碟占高清电影销量的70%;在三月,下一代纪录格式中,四部高清电影中有三部就是蓝光碟。 |
Blue : coolness, spirituality, freedom, patience, loyalty, peace, trustworthiness; can also imply sadness, depression.
蓝色:冷静、灵性、自由、耐心、忠诚、和平、信任;同样也暗示着悲伤、沮丧。 |
Blue Area ?No.2 Business Circle is a new original Research Building of the third generation with low density, and it is a model of internationalized office environment with ecology as its topic.
蓝域·商界2号是全新第三代创意型低密度研发楼,是国际化生态主题办公环境的典范,她将科技、自然、人文三者完美结合,全力演绎中国光谷首席科技主题商务社区的崭新内涵。 |
Blue Beard called, “An hour has gone by. If you do not come down, I shall come up.
蓝胡子喊:“一个钟头过去了,如果你不下来,我就上去啦!” |
Blue Beard called, “Fatima, come down.
蓝胡子又喊:“芬蒂玛,下来。” |
Blue Chips (1994): Probably the best movie on the travails of college basketball. Nick Nolte stars as the embattled and volatile coach of a West Coast basketball power (Bobby Knight anyone?).
这是一部关于友谊和写作的电影,篮球是推动电影发展的线索。撇开篮球,本片好过单子上任何一部电影。 |
Blue Jay flew in the scarf.
蓝松鸦衔着围巾飞来了。 |