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Jim looked about the room curiously.

Jim is still a colt at this job. 对这个工作来说,吉姆还是个新手。
Jim is still playing computer games. You'd better go and stop him. 吉姆还在玩电子游戏,你最好去让他停下来。
Jim is such a show-off. Who is he trying to impress? 吉姆是个爱表现的人,他又在向谁卖弄了?
Jim is the watchdog of the company finances. 吉姆是公司财政的监察人员。
Jim is the winner in the rat race;he is promoted to be the general manager. 吉姆在激烈的竞争中胜出;他被提拔为总经理。
Jim looked about the room curiously. 吉莫惊异地环顾四周。
Jim made a forecast about the recent weather and said that a sandstorm could come in three days. 吉姆对最近的天气作了一个预测,说三天后将有一场沙尘暴.
Jim meets Long John Silver, a man with one leg, and Jim and Long John Silver go far across the sea in a ship called the Hispaniola to Treasure Island. 他将在航程中遭遇到许许多多的考验,包括对付那些想要抢夺藏宝图的恶棍!
Jim played (the part of)Hamlet several times. 吉姆扮演雷特有好几次了。
Jim reported to the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank about his observations, based anecdotal information received from a combination of many people and organizations. 杰姆根据多方人员以及组织收集信息加以总结然后上报芝加哥联邦储备银行。
Jim runs fast, but I run just as fast. 吉姆跑得快,但我跑得也一样快。

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