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A fast-growing working population and a falling dependency rate (thanks to a lower birth rate) will ensure more workers, more saving and hence more investment.

A fast walk/run on hilly terrain, a fast bike ride (with a helmet! 在起伏的小山坡上来个竞走或小跑,一段赛车(记着带头盔!)
A fast, convenient and relatively safe information channel between the Mobile Communication networks and the data system of automatic library managing system is built by means of Enterprise Information Engine system, which will timely inform readers of th 摘要用企业信息机系统实现图书馆自动化管理系统的数据库系统和移动运营商的移动网络之间建立一条方便快捷并且相对安全的信息通道,实现图书到期(逾期)信息及时推送到读者的手机短信中;同时本系统的设计思路还对图书馆建立其他各类推送服务具有参考价值。
A fast, lightly armed warship, smaller than a destroyer, often armed for antisubmarine operations. 护卫舰一种轻型武装的迅速战斗舰,比驱逐舰小,常为反潜水军事行动而配有武器
A fast, modular, scalable, adaptable and cheap enterprise backend for information management. Includes database functionality, process management, business integration, etc. by the way of custom extensions to the system. 一个高速的、模块化的、可扩展的、能适应的、便宜的企业信息管理后台。通过对系统进行扩展包括数据库功能、处理管理、商业综合等。
A fast, small, and easy to use file splitting utility. 这个工具让你分割大的档案或文件到磁片中。
A fast-growing working population and a falling dependency rate (thanks to a lower birth rate) will ensure more workers, more saving and hence more investment. 劳动力人口的快速增长以及人口负担系数不断减小(由于出生率较低),就可确保更多员工、更多开支的节省,继而有更多的投资。
A fast-responding exposed junction with stainless steel overbraided wire of extension wire. The sensor suitable for many general purpose application. 一种快速反应裸露式接点并带有不锈钢丝编织的连接导线,适合各种要求应用。
A fast-rising and highly valued stockmarket does not, in itself, imply a bubble. 股市涨速快、估值高,本身并不意味着泡沫。
A fastening device consisting of parallel rows of metal, plastic, or nylon teeth on adjacent edges of an opening that are interlocked by a sliding tab. 拉链由平行的金属、塑料或尼龙的齿状物制成的,在开口临近边缘上被滑动的拉环锁住的紧扣物
A fastening tool (10) includes a housing assembly (12) having a nosepiece (18) and a magazine assembly (14) that is coupled to the housing assembly. 一种紧固工具,包括具有接头的壳体组件和连接到壳体组件上的料匣组件。
A fastening, as for a door or gate, typically consisting of a bar that fits into a notch or slot and is lifted from either side by a lever or string. 门闩闩,例如门闩,尤指带有一横销,插在槽或狭缝中通过把手或铁链从一头提到另一头

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