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“For all that I esteem and value you, Boromir, I will not pander to prejudice.

“Food safety is not just an issue of law enforcement, it is also related to the health and safety of the people, to the nation's image and to bilateral and even multilateral political relationships,” said Li Changjiang, head of China's General Administrat 国家质量监督检验检疫总局局长李长江指出:“食品安全工作不仅是执法把关问题,而是涉及到人民健康安全,涉及到国家形象,甚至涉及到双边甚至多边政治关系的问题。”
“For a college graduate: The adventure has begun and it's time to shift into high gear. “建议大学毕业生:冒险之旅已经拉开了序幕,该开足马力向前冲了。
“For a male contraceptive even a very low level of toxicity is unacceptable which is why we adopted the approach of using follicle-stimulating hormone,” Dr. “作为一个男性避孕药,哪怕它的毒性只在一个非常低的水平也是不可以的,所以我们采用了使用促卵泡激素的方法。”
“For a prediction to be successful, the probability of occurrence in a time interval and a space domain must be specified in advance, as must the lower magnitude. “一项预测称之为成功,发生的概率,包括时间的间隔、位置的范围,以及最低量级,均必须事先明确。
“For a prediction to be successful, the probability of occurrence in a time interval and a space domain must be specified in advances, as must the lower magnitude. “对于一项预测作为成功的,预测必须事先明确发生的时间概率的间隔〔偏差〕以及空间范围〔偏差〕,以及最低的震级。
“For all that I esteem and value you, Boromir, I will not pander to prejudice. “如此的尊敬与看重,并不代表我会因此屈从于偏见。
“For an instant, love can transform the world. “爱情可以改变世界。”
“For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God. 来---3:4“因为房屋都必有人建造,但建造万物的就是上帝。”
“For example, I am thinking a (have taken the) story of Goldilocks, I ’ve been (bring) back all the words the kids have learned in Cinderella, (and I add) at 20 more. “例如我选择了金发姑娘的故事,我将孩子们在灰姑娘中学到的单词都写进来,然后再增加20个新单词。
“For me it is a fall for a yellow card. The way Carlo hits the ground was unlucky. “对我来说,这应该是张黄牌。而库迪奇尼着地的方式很不巧。”
“For me it was the attitude. 在我看来这是一种态度。

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