Many decisions in life involve making small incremental adjustments to an existing plan of action.
一生中的很多决定包括给目前行动的计划做小的渐渐增加的调整。 |
Many degenerate love into forcible occupation, destruction, pain/suffering, and shackle.
爱成了霸占,成了摧毁,成了痛苦,成了枷锁。 |
Many deified heroes who bravely pursued freedom and tried to bring people out of the pit of misery with indomitable fortitude have produced a far-reaching effect on Chinese culture and psychology.
其中众多的神性英雄,以其百折不挠的顽强意志,向往自由的追求意识和救世济民的殉道精神,对中华民族的文化心理产生深远的影响。 |
Many deluxe cameras offer perks like audio tags for you pictures, or very limited video capability.
许多豪华级相机提供有额外的功能,如为你的图片配置声音“标签”,或者是非常有限的录像功能。 |
Many denizens of the Land of Mists scoff at religion, believing that the deities have long since ceased to care about mortal concerns.
很多迷雾之地的居民嘲笑宗教信仰,他们相信神祗已经很久不对凡俗之事感兴趣了。 |
Many department stores offer television sets.
许多百货店提供电视机。 |
Many descriptions are made using imaginary planes passing through the body in the anatomical position. There are median, sagittal, coronal and horizontal planes.
人们根据解剖方位,设想有多个平面贯穿人体,并由此作出多种描述,即正中面、矢状面、冠状面和水平面。 |
Many developers and local government officials in China share this sentiment.
中国许多开发商和当地政府官员都有这种想法。 |
Many developers feel EJB is like an extra layer of sugar syrup on a doughnut.
学多开发人员感觉EJB象一个油炸圈饼上多余的一层甜糖浆。 |
Many developing countries argue that it will be formal difficult to make abstinence an effective approach in poor nations where HIV infection has had a huge impact and the people indulge in sexual activity at a much younger age.
许多发展中国家争辩说在贫穷的国家要使节欲成为有效途径将会遇到困难和阻力,尽管艾滋病病毒的传播已经给这些国家带来了巨大的冲击,许多年青人还是沉湎于性行为。 |
Many dictionaries have been compiled from the exploration of corpora, many language structures studied and rules of use described.
经由语料库的研究,许多字典得以编纂完成,许多语言结构和规则得以问世。 |