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A method of finding the best location in multi-dimensional space of particles is presented to achieve the optimal decision of multi-stage operation, the global convergence performance of PSO is improved by importing a cross operator of GA and using a self

A method of displaying information on a CRT such that when the display screen is full an additional line of text overwrites the top line. 在阴极射线管上显示信息的一种方法,当显示屏满屏时,若再有一行正文出现,则让它重写在最高一行上。
A method of dividing important eco-function areas in Nanjing,including the styles of important eco-function areas and the principle of setting dividing line is presented.The important eco-function areas are dividing in the city. 提出了对城市范围内的重要生态功能区进行分类划定的方法,包括功能区的划分类型、边界确定的原则等,并以南京市为例,对其市域范围内的重要生态功能区进行了区域划分。
A method of dyeing a fabric by which the parts of the fabric not intended to be dyed are covered with removable wax. 蜡染印花法一种染织物的方法,用这种方法,织物的不染色部分被可剥落的蜡所覆盖而其余部分则染上色
A method of estimating the age of wood called dendrochronology was used to establish that the panel on which the image was painted dated back to between 1560 and 1592, the National Portrait Gallery in London said. 伦敦国家肖像美术馆指出,一种称为「树木年代学」的树木年轮推估法,被用来确认画像绘板的年代可溯及1560至1592年之间。
A method of estimating the maximum and minimum eigenvalue of real symmetric matrices is given in this article, and its application is also discussed. 摘要本文给出了实对称矩阵最大与最小特徵值的一种估计方法及其应用。
A method of finding the best location in multi-dimensional space of particles is presented to achieve the optimal decision of multi-stage operation, the global convergence performance of PSO is improved by importing a cross operator of GA and using a self 提出以确定微粒群在多维空间中的最优位置来实现多阶段优化调度决策的方法,并针对算法易陷入局部最优的缺陷,引入遗传算法中的“杂交”因子以及采用自适应的惯性权重,以改进其全局优化能力。
A method of forecasting the heavy rainfall in the Miyun Reservoir Basin is developed, according to the synoptic situation during the heavy rainfall, by means of the interpretation and application of NWF outputs, and the local observations. 摘要为了探索密云水库流域性暴雨的预报,着眼于影响暴雨的天气系统,从数值预报的解释应用入手,试验制作了密云水库流域性暴雨预报方法。
A method of joining hemmed edges by crisscrossing thread over an open seam. 花式针迹接缝将线在接缝处十字交叉缝边的一种方法
A method of measuring the friction parameters of stabilized turntable driven by torque motor is proposed. 摘要提出一种测量由力矩电机驱动的稳定转台摩擦参数的方法。
A method of organic gardening and crop cultivation in which certain factors, such as planetary and seasonal cycles, are considered. 生物动力学有机物栽培和作物培养的一种方法,需要考虑如行星作用和季节轮换等因素
A method of path planning based on neural network and genetic algorithm is proposed. 摘要提出一种基于神经网络和遗传算法的路径规划算法。

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