She received a bachelor's degree in arts in 1974.
她于一九七四年获文科学士学位。 |
She received a good education.
她受过良好教育。 |
She received a lot of gifts but accepts only flowers.
她收到很多礼物,但是她只收下了鲜花。 |
She received an enthusiastic ovation from the audience.
她获得观众热烈的欢迎. |
She received many compliments on her artlessness.
她的朴实得到了许多人的称赞. |
She received regular prenatal care and the results of all tests were normal.
怀孕三十八周又六天时经剖腹产下一活产男婴,母亲健康良好。 |
She received several official letters this morning.
她今天早晨收到了几封公函。 |
She received severe head injuries in the accident.
她在事故中头部受了重伤。 |
She received the news with a despairing sigh.
她在得知这消息时,发出了绝望的叹息。 |
She received the news with poise.
他泰然自若地接受那消息。 |
She received the sacrament.
她领了圣餐。 |