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Conclusion Compared with amine reduction, cyanogen bromide activation was more suitable for the preparation of pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine.

Conclusion Chosing appropriate pathway of MPCNL according to the size, shape, site of the upper calyx calculi and the anatomy construction of kidney collecting system, can improve the efficacy and decrease complications. 结论根据上盏结石的大小、形态、部位和肾脏集合系统的解剖情况,恰当地选择微创经皮肾取石的手术入路,可以提高疗效和减少并发症的发生。
Conclusion Clinical manifestations of patients with sarcoidosis of the nervous system are varied. 结论神经系统结节病的临床表现多种多样。
Conclusion Clinical usage of the inverted nipple lifling fool has proved it to be a good non-operative method at present. 结论由于乳头凹陷隆起器用于先天性乳头凹陷治疗临床近期效果较好。
Conclusion Combination of antihypertensive drug therapy with good habits and customs reduce the disability rate and mortality in senile patients with simple systolic hypertension via an effective control of hypertension and providing a protection on targe 结论良好的生活习惯和联合用药能保护靶器官控制高血压,有效的减少老年单纯收缩期高血压的致残率和死亡率。
Conclusion Community-based rehabilitation is good for the rehabilitation of stroke. 结论:社区康复训练对患者有良好效果,开展社区康复工作势在必行。
Conclusion Compared with amine reduction, cyanogen bromide activation was more suitable for the preparation of pneumococcus type 1 conjugate vaccine. 结论采用溴化氰活化法制备1型肺炎球菌荚膜多糖-蛋白结合疫苗优于胺还原法。
Conclusion Compared with latex catheters, silicone catheters cause less injuries and reduce substantially irritation of the urinary mucosa, and we suggest the use of silicone catheter in patients requiring long-term indwelling urinary catheters. 全硅橡胶导尿管相对于乳胶导尿管对尿道黏膜损伤轻,建议对需要长期留置导尿管的病人尽量使用对尿道刺激和损伤小的全硅橡胶导尿管。
Conclusion Comprehensive measures used to raise the awareness of the long-term and short-term harm of smoking among middle school students can effectively control smoking behavior among them. 结论采取综合性措施,使学生充分认识到吸烟的长期和短期危害,可有效地控制中学生的吸烟行为。
Conclusion Coninuous using Dexttrao 40 is an efficacyious method for idiopathic sudden deafness. 结论低分子右旋糖酐冲击是治疗特发性突聋的有效方法。
Conclusion Coronary arteriography and intervention treatment through radial artery are safe and feasible, therefore, should be spread by adopting vigorous measures. 结论经桡动脉途径行冠脉造影和介入治疗安全可行,应积极推广。
Conclusion Cough variant asthma and postnasal drip syndrome are among the most important causes of chronic cough. 结论咳嗽变异型哮喘和后鼻漏综合征是慢性咳嗽的常见病因。

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