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Chinese garden architecture is second to none in artistic style.

Chinese food is probably most popular in the world. 中餐几乎在世界各地都能找到。
Chinese food is world famous for its color, smell and taste. 中国菜以其色香味享誉世界。
Chinese food , so some foreigners like it. 中国食品有不同的味道,所以有些外国人很喜欢吃.
Chinese foreign exchange reserve is a reciprocity outcome of all kinds of factors. 我国持有现有规模的外汇储备是国内外政治经济因素综合作用的结果。
Chinese foreign ministry officials had no immediate comment on the issue . 中国外交部官员尚未就此事做出评论。
Chinese garden architecture is second to none in artistic style. 中国的园林建筑在艺术风格上不比任何别的国家差。
Chinese gentry came to the stage and gradually became the dominate class in the political system during Ming-Qing period. 摘要明清之际,中国绅士的条件和地位得以逐步地固定下来,随之,在政治体制中也形成了一种隐性的绅衿支配。
Chinese goods sent to Africa are notorious for their poor quality. 销往非洲的中国商品以质量糟糕而恶名远扬。
Chinese government adopt different types of preferential tax policies for foreign enterprises in China, aiming to attract foreign investment and explore international market. 自改革开放以来,为鼓励外国投资,开拓国际市场,我国对外资企业给予各种税收优惠政策。
Chinese government also promotes reform en the exchange rate of RMB gradually. 本文以传统的购买力平价理论为基础,阐述了几种货币价值决定理论。
Chinese government reiterates that Taiwan is an inseparable part of China. 中国政府重申台湾是中国不可分割的一部分。

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