Travel to Hotspring, Travel to Health!
温泉之旅,健康之旅! |
Travel to Moonglade and use the Ward to help Clintar Dreamwalker emerge from the Emerald Dream.
前往月光林地并使用节仗使克林特·梦游者从翡翠梦境中显形. |
Travel will enhance romance and adventure.
旅行能加强浪漫气息和冒险意味。 |
Travel will entice you; however, a tendency to overspend is quite possible.
处女座:旅行在诱惑着你,但是却有超支的倾向。 |
Travel will lead you in new directions.
处女:旅行将为你找到新的方向。 |
Travel will promote new romantic counters.
旅行能增加浪漫相遇的机会。 |
Travel will promote romantic connections.
旅行能带来浪漫机遇。 |
Travel with me to the Pyramid of the Feminine, She who now returns to planet Earth to express herself in the light harmonics of creation.
从她金字塔里,她产生充满周期的矩阵,女性创造者和破坏者全部在一里。 |
Travel, art, culture, sport, and adventure take on a whole new meaning when you have had some experience to build on.
当你有所积累之后,旅行、艺术、文化、运动和冒险都会有一种不同的新面貌。 |
Travel, eat and jog together?
旅游,吃喝或一起慢跑? |
Travel, educational pursuits and chatting on the Internet will bring some interesting responses from potential partners.
双鱼:你可以通过游泳、学习或是网上聊天从准恋人那里得到一些有趣的回应。 |