As he labored over The Short History of Discovery, 1917, Ancient Man, 1920, and The Story of Mankind, 1921, van Loon became acquainted with Leonore St.
在写作《发明的故事》(1917)、《古人类》(1920)和《人类的故事》(1921)的过程中,房龙结识了纽约公共图书馆的儿童图书管理员利奥诺?圣约翰?保尔。 |
As he lay thinking, he noticed a spider over his head, getting ready to weave her web.
正当他躺着思索的时候,他注意到自己头的上方有只蜘蛛正准备结网。 |
As he leapt at the window Nana had closed it quickly, too late to catch him, but his shadow had not had time to get out; slam went the window and snapped it off.
孩子跳出窗子的时候,娜娜没能赶上捉住他,就很快地关上窗子,可是他的影子来不及出去,窗子砰的一声关上了,把影子扯了下来。 |
As he leaves with his sword, the princess reminds him to be careful, and to bring the noose and the poison.
随身带着他的剑,公主叮咛他凡事小心,并要他带着绳套与毒药。 |
As he likes to stir things up, he has been in the doghouse.
由于他喜欢捣乱,所以受到冷落。 |
As he looked at it, the goat rolled over and died.
正当他看着山羊的时候,山羊翻了身死了. |
As he looked up, Jesus saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury.
1耶稣抬头观看,见财主把捐项投在库里。 |
As he made his inaugural speech in the East Room of the White House—“just a little straight talk among friends”—the very flatness of his Michigan vowels, his stumbles over words, his mistiness whenever he talked about prayers, seemed like a gale of fresh
他在白宫东厅发表的就职演说——就像朋友之间闲谈一样朴实无华——质朴地密歇根式发音、不时磕绊几句,虽然当他谈论虔诚地祈祷和祈求之类的话时有些含混不清,但是就是这股质朴犹如一股清新之风注入当时混浊的政坛。 |
As he managed to get out of the shoe painfully, he was surprised to find the cause of his lasting torment was only a grain of sand.
当他忍着揪心的痛把鞋脱掉时,他发现让自己痛苦并放弃比赛的竟仅仅是一粒沙子。 |
As he matured, however, he came increasingly under the influence of diverse aesthetic, philosophical, and mystical doctrines that impelled him toward an artistic vision of unprecedented grandiosity.
成熟以后的他,逐渐受到不同美学、哲学和神秘理论的影响,这些因素促使他走向宏伟新奇的艺术观。 |
As he missed the last bus and there was no taxi coming and going around, he simply went back home on foot.
他误了末班车,周围又没有出租车,就索性/干脆步行回家了。 |