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In many ways, Marcus is Will's total opposite.

In many upland situations, however, only perennial tree based cropping systems will allow sustainability. 然而在许多热带旱地上,只有以多年生树为主的种植制度才具持续性。
In many ways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults. 从许多方面讲,小孩子可以说是生活在一个跟成人不同的世界里。
In many ways he was the ultimate fan, and most of his biographers have commented on his engrossment with sport, but few have explored this topic and its meaning in depth. 从很多方面来讲,他是个彻头彻尾的体育迷,他的多数传记作家都提到了他对体育的迷恋,但是却很少有人详细地探讨这个话题及其意义。
In many ways the freedom of adolescence has been extended by ten years for my generation. 在许多方面,对于我这一代来说,自由的青春期似乎又延续了10年。
In many ways we want a mirror image of ourselves. 在许多方面我们希望爱人像我们自己。
In many ways, Marcus is Will's total opposite. 从很多方面来说,马可斯的性格与威尔完全相反。
In many ways, blackmail journalism grew naturally out of a system in which Communist Party censors control the news rigorously, barring reports that could be seen as unfavorable to the party or contrary to the government's political goals. 在许多方面,新闻业的敲诈勒索现象在共产党的检查员严厉控制新闻传播的体制下自然地成长起来,中国的新闻制度让把关员把那些对共产党不利的或者与政府的政治目标相违背的新闻都禁止刊登。
In many ways, his words that day set the tone for the radicalism that would define the Yale campus for generations to come. 在许多方面,他那天的演讲为耶大校园未来几代人的激进主义定下了基调。
In many ways, however, Wikipedia is surprisingly good. 但在许多方面,维基百科全书好得出人意料。
In many ways, it'll cut out middlemen, it'll create an opportunity to compete across all countries on a global basis, which hasn't been true in most businesses heretofore. 在许多方面,它将会减低了外面的中间人,它以全球的方式将会产生一个机会竞争过所有的国家,在最大多数的生意方面直到此时不有是真实的。
In many ways, that biochemical machine was far more capable than any electronic computer. 在许多方面,那部生化机器要比任何电子计算机厉害得多了。

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