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At the thought of the sour fruit the soldiers' complaint of great thirst as well as the antagonistic feeling were quickly forgotten.

At the tender age of 15, Turiaf left his family in Martinique, a tiny French island in the Eastern Caribbean Sea, for Paris to attend the National Institute of Physical Education (Insep). 图略亚夫年仅15岁就离开了在马提尼克岛的家,一个位于加勒比海东部的法国小岛,去巴黎国家体育学院,一直与鲍里斯.戴艾夫,密克尔.皮埃斯还有托尼.帕克为伴,图略亚夫在接受中等教育的同时接受国家体育学院的训练。
At the terminus of Sheng Li Road is a tall tower that will distinguish Shaoxing in the region much like the Jin Mao Tower has distinguished Shanghai. 胜利路的终点是一座高楼,就像金茂大厦成为上海市建筑标志一样,该办公楼也将成为绍兴地区的标志。
At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non-Anthropocentric environmentalism. 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。
At the third checkpoint the16 years old, participants were asked to describe their close friendships. 在16岁第三个观察点是,由受试者自己描述他们和密友的关系。
At the thought of the sour fruit the soldiers forgot about their thirst and complaints. 后人用上面的故事作成成语“望梅止渴”来比喻一个人幻想目的已经到达了以安慰自己的情况。
At the thought of the sour fruit the soldiers' complaint of great thirst as well as the antagonistic feeling were quickly forgotten. 士兵们想着酸梅的味道,口渴就立刻缓和下来,反抗情绪也安定了。
At the thought of this, Jerusha could not help but laugh. 这麽一想,洁茹忍不住笑了起来。
At the time I had not given the matter much thought, saying nothing to my girlfriend as I assumed my misgivings were nothing more than the general feelings of apprehension one gets when starting life in a new town, new job, etc. 那个时候我没把这当回事,也没对我女友提起,因为我觉得我的疑虑不过是大部分人在搬到一个新地方,有了一份新工作以后都有的感觉。
At the time I was about daily classes on Internet cafes directly into Dance Mission, beautiful animation listening music, I used it very stupid fingered owned four key and occasionally also look at the bow, by the fear that such key Oh! 那时我每天一下班就直奔网吧,进入劲舞团,听那优美的动感音乐,用我那十分笨拙的手按着上下左右四个方向键,时不时还低头看看,怕按到旁边键,呵呵!
At the time I was living in Crane Hall, second floor, room #217. 那时我住在克兰公寓二层的217房间。
At the time critics said the new system was meant to make Italy ungovernable by creating the stalemate in the Senate that it duly produced. 当时的一些批评人士认为,这种比例代表制会不时在上议院形成僵局,继而使意大利政坛处于混沌无序状态。

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