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Abstract: Design and production of the 70SV2P1 vacuum system are introduced. This kind of system will expand the application in the chemical and petroleum industry.

Abstract: Degree of homogeneity is introduced, thereafter the magnetic field of Helmholtz coil is studied, and the best conditions of this coil is investigated by computer. 文摘:引入磁场均匀度的概念,对亥姆霍兹线圈磁场的均匀性进行了定量分析,并通过计算机模拟,得出了同一精度下,形成亥姆霍兹线圈均匀磁场的最佳条件.
Abstract: Deng Xiao-ping upheld and developed the idea of the party's serving the people in the great course of leading the whole party and country to build the socialism characteristic of China:Use serving the people as a start and an end—result for the 文摘:邓小平在领导全党全国人民建设有中国特色社会主义进程中,坚持和发展了党的为人民服务思想:把为人民服务作为党制定各项方针政策的出发点和归宿;把为人民服务与鼓励人们“勤劳致富”、“多劳多得”等社会主义现阶段的经济政策结合起来;把坚持国家、集体和个人利益三者的和谐统一作为为人民服务思想的基本点和立足点;把引导人们“先富”带“后富”、“先发展”带“后发展”、走“共同富裕”道路作为实现为人民服务的现实途径;把倡导人们为自觉维护国家和集体利益,个人利益作出一定牺牲作为为人民服务的一个鲜明特点。
Abstract: Described here are the structure and features of the prestrssed, high - rigidity, hydraulically - operated cold - drawing pipe mill as well as the mechanical analysis of the mill during pipe drawing operation. 文摘:介绍了预应力高刚性液压冷拔管机的结构、特征,进行了拔管时的力学分析。
Abstract: Described in the article are the computerized management system for the cold-drawn pipe production line located at 76 mm Pipe Plant,Hengyang Steel Tube Group Corporation,Ltd., covering configuration,functions of subsystems,hardwares used as well 文摘:介绍了衡阳钢管集团有限公司建立的76车间冷拔钢管生产计算机管理系统及其结构、各子系统的主要功能、采用的硬件和使用情况。
Abstract: Described in the paper is the result of Tianjin Steel Tube Corporation's applying the latest on-line gauging system i.e.the steel tube isotope thermal gauging system to the MPM line,involving details of several typical thermal gauging curves. 文摘:介绍了天津钢管公司在其MPM连轧管机组上应用新一代在线测厚系统——钢管同位素热测壁厚仪的成果,并较为详细地介绍了几个典型的热测壁厚曲线图。
Abstract: Design and production of the 70SV2P1 vacuum system are introduced. This kind of system will expand the application in the chemical and petroleum industry. 文摘:本文介绍了70SV2P1机组的设计和制造要点,简述了该类机组在石油、化工行业中的应用方向,并通过具体实用展望其前景。
Abstract: Design ideas,technical features and system architectures of advanced process control for polypropelene units were introduced together wit h on-line calculations for the controlled variables such as the yield of polypr opelene,concentration of mo 文摘:介绍聚丙烯装置先进控制技术的设计思想、技术特点和系统构成,并介绍产率、浆液浓度、液相氢气浓度、熔体流动指数等被控变量的在线计算,指出了实施中应注意的问题。
Abstract: Design of an environment simulation system (ESS) for drilling &culling devices working in ultradeep well isdiscussed in this paper, on the basis of developing an in-well environment simulation system for deep well of oil field. 文摘:结合油田深井井下仿真环境系统的研制,对超深井钻采设备环境仿真系统设计进行了讨论。
Abstract: Design principle and mechanical feature of transfer storage mechanism in transmission shaft automatic welding assembly line has been introduced,some questions in the design have been mentioned and also analysed in detail,and applied effect has b 文摘:介绍了传动轴自动焊接装配生产线中输送贮料机构的设计原理、机构特点,指出了设计中应注意的有关问题并进行了详细分析,说明了应用效果。
Abstract: Determining the supply and demand cooperating pattern (SDCP) between b usiness entities is the basis of building agile supply chain management system ( AS CMS). 文摘:确定实体(或企业)之间的供需协作模式是建立敏捷供需链管理系统的基础。
Abstract: Development of technology on oxy-coal injection into blast furance is introduced,and the equipment selection on oxygen generator for blast furnace and the process flow of variable pressure absorbing oxygen generation equipment are studied. 文摘:介绍了高炉富氧喷吹技术的发展,探讨了高炉专用制氧机的选型以及变压吸附制氧设备的工艺流程.

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