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Abstract: By applying the system reliability and ergonomics theory, the reliability mod el of the man-machine-environment system of roadway sub-level caving in steep seam is set up, and the calculation formulas for the usability and pro duction capacity o

Abstract: By analyzing the changes of incoming water and sediment in the lower Weihe River, in allusion to the question of flood discharge capacity being not enough, control project being short, river pattern cant being controlled and the management bein 文摘:通过对渭河下游来水来沙变化的分析,针对现状堤防过洪能力不足、控导工程少、河势得不到控制和管理工程等方面存在的问题,提出应加大投入力度,完善防洪工程措施和非工程措施,加强管理,强化防洪减灾意识,提高近期渭河下游防洪能力。
Abstract: By analyzing the development history, the main operational characteristics currently, the problems, the quandary and the bottleneck during the development course, the author makes analysis on the future of the convenient stores in Shanghai. 摘要:分析了上海便利店的发展历程、目前阶段的主要运营特点、发展中遇到的问题、困惑和瓶颈,并对上海便利店的未来发展进行了分析。
Abstract: By analyzing the double meaning of the effect mechanism of water on the oxida tion and spontaneous combustion of residual coal in goaf, and through investigat ion of the results both in laboratory and field practice, it is confirmed that w ater 文摘:通过对水在采空区遗煤氧化及自燃的作用机理两重性的分析以及实验室试验与现场应用实际效果研究,证实了笔者提出的清水灌注措施是一种新的、经济有效的、操作简便的防治采空区遗煤自燃的技术措施。
Abstract: By analyzing the method for evaluating the hidden danger in explosive factories,based on the essential framework of self-learning of machine,the process of implement the self-learning program with rote learning of such evaluation is discussed in 文摘:通过对火炸药工厂重大事故隐患危险性评估方法的分析,以计算机自学习的基本结构为主线,详细探讨了以机械学习策略完成该评估程序中对新危险品源自学习的过程。
Abstract: By analyzing the status, the opportunity and the advantages of the commercial groups of the city level participating in the development of the suburban commerce, bringing forward the direction and the development idea. 摘要:分析了上海市级商业集团参与郊区商业发展的现状、机遇与优势,提出了对此应当明确的认识和发展思路。
Abstract: By applying the system reliability and ergonomics theory, the reliability mod el of the man-machine-environment system of roadway sub-level caving in steep seam is set up, and the calculation formulas for the usability and pro duction capacity o 文摘:应用系统可靠性和人-机工程学理论,建立了急倾斜煤层巷道放顶煤人-机-环境系统可靠性模型,给出了系统可用度和生产能力的计算公式。
Abstract: By applying theories of environmental economics,a case study ofthe Amomum villosom cultivation in Manme Village was conducted to analyze sustainability of the Amomum villosom ecosystem in tropical forest in the aspect of economy,environment and 文摘:以曼么村为例,从环境经济学的观点出发,对热带森林-砂仁生态系统的可持续性从经济及环境、生态等方面进行了分析。
Abstract: By both the external combination of deck coefficient and designed water-line coefficientand the in-ternal combination of deck transformation and cross-section area curve transformationa new ship line is generated on the condition that cross-se 文摘:本文通过甲板面面积系数和设计水线面面积系数的外层叠代、甲板面变换和横剖面面积曲线变换的自身内层叠代,在保持横剖面面积曲线不变的条件下,获得满足设计水线面系数变化要求的新船型,而不必寻找横剖面线的变换函数来实现设计水线面的变换,本方法是对传统的母型船变换的一个有益补充。
Abstract: By comparing and study on the commercial modernization of both home and abroad, the article discusses how to promote it to an upper step through IT innovation and its qualitative change. 通过对中外商业现代化的比较研究,探讨如何以创新模式开展“信息化”,以“信息化”的质变建设带来商业现代化的飞跃。
Abstract: By comparing the balance of payments and foreign investment structures, the paper analyzed the differences in both in-bound and out-bound foreign investment between China and United States. 本文通过比较中美国际收支与投资结构,分析中美在利用外资和对外投资方面的差异。
Abstract: By compressing a monolayer film,the coexistence of liquid condensed (LC) and liquid expanded (LE) phases can be reached.The transition from LE to LC is usually regarded as a first-order one,so the theory of crystallization can be applied.In this 文摘:当处于气液界面的类脂类化合物的单分子膜被压缩时,随着分子间距的缩小,单分子膜将经历一系列相变过程.通过荧光显微术可以观测到新相的成核和生长过程.由于单分子膜的二维特性,该系统中的实验观测对于检验和发展二维界面生长理论尤为重要.本文总结了近年来本课题组与相关单位合作,在单分子膜系统中发现的实验现象以及对其生长机制的系列研究.内容包括对单分子膜系统中的成核、界面稳定性、枝晶生长、形态演变等的观测和分析.

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