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Its new global dynamic model in terms of measured joints is derived by coordinate transformation, and the decoupled control equations for joint relative angles and elastic parts of the flexible manipulator are obtained with the model-based nonlinear decou

Its name became synonymous as a gathering place of the rich and famous. 它的名字是富人名流聚集场所的同义词。
Its natural beauty has the potential to outdo Hawaii. 台湾大自然的美貌所具有的潜力胜过夏威夷。
Its natural setting in which a series of symbolic places of worship relating to the Passion of Jesus Christ and the life of the Virgin Mary was laid out at the beginning of the 17th century has remained virtually unchanged. 它的自然布景几乎完美的保留下来,其中包括一系列建于17世纪具有象征意义的宫殿,它们反映了耶酥受难以及圣母玛丽亚的生平。
Its nature is clean, scenery breathtaking, air is fresh, and the cities are modern. 那里的自然环境一尘不染,景色令人叹为观止,空气清新,城市很现代。
Its naval supply ships have helped in the battle to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. 日本派海上自卫队的补给船为打击塔利班的阿富汗战争提供帮助,并向伊拉克派遣了维和人员。
Its new global dynamic model in terms of measured joints is derived by coordinate transformation, and the decoupled control equations for joint relative angles and elastic parts of the flexible manipulator are obtained with the model-based nonlinear decou 通过坐标变换,推导出一种新的以可测关节角为变量的全局动态模型,并在此基础上运用基于模型的非线性解耦反馈控制方法得到关节相对转角与柔性臂的弹性变形部分解耦形式控制方程。
Its newborn are the size of bumblebees and its nest is the size of a walnut. 孵出的蜂鸟只有大黄蜂那么大,其巢只有核桃那么大。
Its nodes represent statements (or blocks of statements). 它的结点表示语句(或语句块)。
Its not a big thing , we don't really talk about it much. 我是个歌手这个没什么大不了的,我们都不谈这个。
Its not hard to believe the media stories that Sir ,Alex Ferguson is interested in the former Liverpool player, and an in-form, injury-free Owen would once again become one of the top strikers in the league. 很容易想象福格森对这位前利物浦球星感兴趣,一旦身体状况良好,无伤病之忧,欧文必将再次成为联盟中最顶尖的射手。
Its not that I dont want to,but that I cant. 不是我不想,而是我不能。

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