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Study on the thermal and light stability of the red pigment from cherry fruits;

Two human factors affecting water balance in desert oases of northwest China; 影响西北沙漠绿洲水均衡的两种人为因素
Multi factor analysis on the time of gliomas recurrence; 影响胶质瘤复发时间的多因素分析
Study on addition level of nutrient salt in the process of using immobilized yeast method of fermentation to produce honey wine; 营养盐在固定化酵母生产蜂蜜酒中影响的研究
Malnutrition is common complications in patients with CRF. 营养不良是慢性肾衰竭(Chronic Renal Failure,CRF)患者(包括透析和非透析)临床常见的重要并发症。
Study on photosynthetic characteristics of sweet cherry leaves; 樱桃叶片的光合特性研究
Study on the thermal and light stability of the red pigment from cherry fruits; 樱桃红色素光和热稳定性的研究
Studies on combining ability and genetic effects of main quality characters in cherry tomato; 樱桃番茄主要营养品质性状的配合力与遗传效应研究
Antiproliferative Activities of Alcohol Extracts of Herba Epimedii and Cortex Fraxini on Breast Cancer Cell Proliferation: in Vitro Study; 淫羊藿、秦皮醇提取物体外抗乳腺癌细胞增殖的研究
Studies on the immobilization of pectinase by anion-exchange resin; 阴离子交换树脂固定化果胶酶研究
Experimental Research in Decoction and Alcohol Sedimentation Technique of Herba Leonuri Combined with Rhizoma Chuanxiong; 益母草与川芎配伍水煎醇沉工艺实验研究
Serologically, pRBCs share a number of characteristics with human red blood cells(RBCs), so pRBCs are considered the most likely donor for xenotransfusion. 异种器官移植所取得的突破性进展为异种输血的研究带来了曙光。

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