Western sources in Jakarta said the army, having lost its battle to retain East Timor through the ballot box following last week's 78.5 per cent vote in favour of independence, was enacting a Plan Bof ma evacuation and ma murder.
据驻雅加达的西方消息人士透露,百分之78.5的选民投票支持东帝汶独立后,亲印尼民兵实行「B计划」,旨在大规模屠杀及撒走人民。 |
Western sources in Jakarta said the army, having lost its battle to retain East Timor through the ballot box following last week's 78.5 per cent vote in favour of independence, was enacting a Plan Bof mass evacuation and mass murder.
据驻雅加达的西方消息人士透露,百分之78.5的选民投票支持东帝汶独立后,亲印尼民兵实行「B计划」,旨在大规模屠杀及撒走人民。 |
Western superstitions detail that black cats are able to represent spirits or incarnated humans, thereby linking them to witchcraft.
西方的传说里,有一种说法,黑猫是灵魂的化身。 |
Western television cameramen who went onto the embankment beside the Palestine Hotel to film the battle were pulled from danger by helmeted marines who dragged them down behind concrete parapets and waved to reporters on the hotel's upper balconies to get
西方电视摄引记者来到巴勒斯坦饭店旁边的堤防上,但是被带着头盔的海军陆战队员拉了到混凝土围墙下,这些海军陆战队员还挥手示意让宾馆楼上阳台的记者快下来。 |
Western-style food, dim sum, beverages, accommodation, ablution, foot care, chess, ping-pong, billiards, bodybuilding, darts entertainment services. (The above operating permits covering operating with permits to operate).
中、西餐,点心,饮料,住宿,沐浴,足部保健,棋牌,乒乓,台球,健身,飞镖娱乐服务。(以上经营范围涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。 |
Western-style shirt and cowherd undershirt are recommended product this season, taking some old washed-color sense demonstrate the feeling of trend of back-to-ancients.
衬衫式洋装与牛仔背心都是本季推荐单品,带点洗旧感的色泽展露复古风情。 |
Westerner: Do you know why most westerners love trees?
西方人:知道西方人为什么都爱护树木吗? |
Westerner: Don't you like the gifts I gave you?
西方人:你是不是不喜欢我给你带的礼物? |
Westerner: I don't want to talk about such things with you, bye-bye.
西方人:我不愿意和你谈这些问题,再见。 |
Westerner: I'm not interested in your flowers or money, bye-bye.
西方人:我对你的花和钱财不感兴趣,再见。 |
Westerner: My goodness, a platinum necklace. Why such a valuable gift?
西方人:哇,铂金项链,为什么送给我这么贵重的礼品。 |