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He left a hour early for fear of missing the train.

He left Oxford for Trinity Hall, Cambridge, where he engaged in the study of theoretical astronomy and cosmology. 之后他离开牛津大学前往剑桥大学学习理论天文学和宇宙学。
He left Shu Kingdom and conquered Jiuli, founded many new kingdoms, innovated with scientific ideas the rules of personnel, calendar, water-control and so on, which made the social system transform towards patrilineal one. 他走出蜀门,征服九黎,建立许多新邦国,以科学理念改革人事、历法、治水原则等,使社会制度向父系转化。
He left Wuhan long before. 他很久以前就离开了武汉。
He left a 15-minute voice message on my voice mail box. It was really a voice novel. 他在我的语音信箱留了15分钟的留言,真的跟小说一样冗长。
He left a dollar under my sheet. 他留了一块钱在我床单下。
He left a hour early for fear of missing the train. 他提早一小时离开,惟恐错过那次火车。
He left a lot of novels to me. 他给我留下了好多小说。
He left a message for me to the effect that he would come tonight. 他给我留了一个口信大意是说他今晚会来。
He left a message to the doorman. 他给看门人留了个话。
He left a trail of unpaid bills behind him. 他走后留下一连串未支付的帐单。
He left all his money to charity. 他把所有的钱都遗赠给了慈善事业。

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