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Further acceleration only compounds the push, as weight shifts back to the rear drive wheels, off of the front turning wheels, leading to a further lessening of the car's ability to turn in.

Furth, Peter. G., and Theo H. J. Muller. Conditional Bus Priority at Signalized Intersections: Better Service Quality with Less Traffic Disruption.Transportation Research Record 1731 (2000): 23-20. 信号交叉路口的有条件公交优先:更少的交通干扰、更好的服务质量》。交通研究报告1731。
Further Resolved, that the Secretary of the Corporation be and hereby is authorized and directed to present a certified copy of these resolutions, together with a certification as to the incumbency of certain officers to FXCM ASIA and that the authority h 本公司进一步决议,特此授权并命令本公司秘书将经认证的本决议副本,连同各主管职务证明呈交福汇亚洲.本决议向各代理人(包括职务证明所指定的作为本公司主管的人,除非福汇亚洲收到关于上述人士不再担任本公司主管的书面通知)的授权在撤销或变更通知被送达福汇亚洲或其承继人或受让人之前全部有效(不论上述主管是否已不再担任本公司的主管或雇员).
Further Ship window, Light metal cast and Other fittings are offered. 请您访问我们的主页或者发送给我们电子邮件,垂询当前的信息和服务。
Further Special and Roller belong to it. 请您访问我们的主页,获悉其它当前的产品系列。
Further Steam boilers and steam generators and Mechanical boiler furnaces belong to it. 请您察看我们的网页,获悉其它的具体信息。
Further acceleration only compounds the push, as weight shifts back to the rear drive wheels, off of the front turning wheels, leading to a further lessening of the car's ability to turn in. 此时如果进一步加速,只会加剧推头,因为重量转移到后轮,前轮(转向轮)承受的重量减少,导致车辆的转向性能变差。
Further adding to occupant safety, frontal impacts are absorbed by crumple zones directed into Y-shaped chassis members and the main understructure – the strongest part of the chassis. 正面的撞击由溃缩区吸收并传递到Y型底盘部件和主要支承结构-地盘最坚实处,从而进一步保护乘客安全。
Further allocation of public funds appears unwarranted unless there are specific and compelling grounds for thinking that a proposed new prediction programme will be successful. 进一步将公共资金分配给这个方面看来缺乏正当理想,除非有引人注目的基础得以认为提议中的一个新的预测计划将是成功的。”
Further analysing and rational thinking on how to carry out the requirements will help to carry through the important theories of the Three Represent more comprehensively, accurately and vividly. 而对党的组织工作如何更好地落实“三个代表”要求作出深层次的分析和理性的思考,有助于我们在党的组织工作中更准确、全面地贯彻“三个代表”重要思想。
Further analysis indicates that the expansion of build-up areas resulted from the economy development, land use collocation and the exploitation areas and new city areas building since 90s. 在对江苏省1978年以来城市化发展和城市建成区面积变化特征分析的基础上,进一步探寻城市用地中存在的问题及其成因。
Further analysis revealed that a simple linear summation of the electrical activity of cortical motor neurons predicted very well the position of an animal's hand a few hundred milliseconds ahead of time. 进一步分析显示,皮质运动神经元电流活性的简单线性总和,对于该动物的手在几百毫秒后的位置,有相当好的预测。

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