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Recidivism of cholesteatoma is a remarkable problem in otologic surgery.

Receptors on the receiving, or postsynaptic, neurons bind to the neurotransmitter and register biochemical changes in the cell that can change its ability to respond to other stimuli or to turn genes on or off. 位于接受讯息端的突触后神经元则带有血清张力素受体,可与其相接,并启动细胞内的生化反应,以改变神经元对其他刺激的反应能力,或是开启或关闭基因。
Recess starts from 8:00pm to 8:15pm. During recess, students are not allowed to engage in erratic running, fighting, wall climbing or doors slamming. 本校上课期间的休息时间是八时至八时十五分。在休息时间内,各学生一律不准乱跑、打架、爬墙及开关门等危险游戏。
Recharge your palmOne™ handheld from just about anywhere. 在任何地方为你的掌上电脑充电。
Rechargeable batteries are no different from normal batteries with the exception that they can be recharged a finite number of times. 可充电电池跟普通电池没有什么区别,除了它可以进行有限次数的充电外。
Recharged cell inside , super long time playback . 内置可充电电池,超长时间播放。
Recidivism of cholesteatoma is a remarkable problem in otologic surgery. 摘要胆脂瘤的复发是中耳炎手术的难题之一。
Recipe names are now in the format + for more coherence. 配方名称的排版现在更加的一致。
Recipes are easy to find for everything from simple vanilla sodas to the 12-foot-tall, world's biggest ice-cream sundae made in California in 1985. 从简单的香草苏打到1985年在加州制造的12英尺高的世上最大的圣代冰淇淋,每种冰淇淋的配方都很容易找到。
Reciprocal cross A cross that tests whether the inheritance of a particular character is effected by the sex of the parent. 杂交:杂交是为了测试某一特别的性状是否受亲本性别影响的方法。
Reciprocally, strategic priorities for science and technology have been little influenced by the development of sustainability thinking. 因而反过来,可持续性思想的发展对于科学和技术发展的战略优先权的影响非常小。
Reciprocity is an ultimate truth of the universe. 摘要相互作用是宇宙的真正的终极原因。

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