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Cough is a common disease.

Coubertin spent more than 30 years to nurture and expand the Olympic Games. 顾拜坦致力一生30多年的岁月支持推广奥运会。
Coubertin withdrew from the IOC and the Olympic Movement in 1925, and devoted himself to his pedagogical work, which he named as his unfinished symphony. 3925年,顾拜旦退出了国际奥委会和奥林匹克运动,以便全身心地投入到被他称之为“未完成的交响乐”中去。
Couch hard arguments in soft words. 理要硬而话要软。
Couch should be microwave diathermy/magnetic single therapy. 睡椅可供微波透热法和磁疗两种独立模式选择.
Couch: soft seat usually for two or more people. 沙发,睡椅:供两个或两个以上的人坐的软座位。
Cough is a common disease. 感冒是普遍的疾病。
Cough it up. I know you hae the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。
Cough it up. I know you have the twenty dollars. 付钱吧。我知道你有这二十美金的。
Cough was due to cough variant asthma in 51.4% patients, post-nasal drip syndrome in 26.7% patients, postviral cough in 8.5% patients, eosinophilic bronchitis in 5.7% patients, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor-related cough in 2.9% patients and gas 其中咳嗽变异型哮喘占慢性咳嗽病因的51.4%,后鼻漏综合征占26.7%,病毒感染后咳嗽占8.5%、嗜酸粒细胞性支气管炎占5.7%、血管紧张素酶抑制剂相关咳嗽占2.9%、胃-食管反流性疾病占1.9%。
Cough, cough, cough, am I suppose to choke? 咳,咳,咳,我是不是要窒息了?
Coughing at a concert can be a real embarrassment. 在音乐会上咳嗽真会使人难堪。

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