Conversely, intelligent beings which are just beginning to develop on remote worlds may be ready to pick up our signals in thousands of years.
反过来说,其他星球上的刚刚开始进化的智力生命,他们要过几千年之后,也许才可能收到我们的信号。 |
Conversely, it is only by keeping the lowest of low profiles that the likes of Yue Yuen and Hon Hai can sell to several competitors.
相反地,只有通过维持这种极其低廉的形象,裕元和鸿海这样的公司才能赢得合同。 |
Conversely, low roasting temperatures fail to develop fully the welcome aromas, and acidity tends to come to the fore.
相对地,低温烘焙也无法产生令人满意的香气,同时还有酸味也冒出来。 |
Conversely, mice on high-protein diets were more likely to live.
相反,蛋白质含量高的食物有助于老鼠生存。 |
Conversely, other hypotheses suggest that instead of being responsible for the disease, the aggregates might represent a defense mechanism to protect cells from the toxic effects of polyglutamine.
相反地,还有其他的假说认为这些聚集物反而是种保护机制,以防止细胞受到多麸醯胺酸的毒性作用。 |
Conversely, people who fail usually decide slowly and change their minds frequently.
相反,失败者通常是抉择缓慢,想法改变却频繁。 |
Conversely, protection against radiation damage, sunburn and the development of skin cancer can be provided by antioxidant supplementation, especially with compounds capable of inducing glutathione synthesis (5-9).
相反地,(研究5,9)发现抗氧化剂补充剂,特别是能引发合成谷胱甘肽的补充剂,可以提供对辐射破坏、日晒及皮肤癌等的抵抗力。 |
Conversely, reviewers panned Da Vinci Code,and it defied them with ticket sales that met or topped many forecasts.
相反的,受到评论家尖锐批评的“达芬奇密码”却取得了高于期望值的票房收入。 |
Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.
有些人学习语言方面很成功,可是却发现要在其他专业领域取得成就确非易事。 |
Conversely, some “collective” or “state” enterprises operate in ways indistinguishable from the private interests of their bosses.
相反,一些“共有”或者“国有”企业却在它们领导的私人利益指引下运行。 |
Conversely, tax rebates were cut down or removed on products featured with heavy energy consumption, heavy pollution and resource-related, such as billet, rolled steel and aluminum not forged or rolled.
降低或取消了钢坯、钢材、未锻轧铝等高能耗、高污染和资源性产品的出口退税。 |