Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles, the most helpless and diseased, which in others are luxuries merely, and in others still are entirely unknown. |
中文意思: 某些事物,在某些场合,例如在最无办法的病人中间,确是生活的必需资料,却在另一些场合,只变成了奢侈品,再换了别样的场合,又可能是闻所未闻的东西。 |
Some things are best left unsaid.
不知比知道更好。 |
Some things are better left unsaid.
有些事情还是不说出来为好. |
Some things are clear, the lucid fragments of a dream, a conversation over the phone one Easter.
有些事是清晰的,如某些梦的片断,复活节时在电话里的一段对话。 |
Some things are just easier to say aloud: “the basketball is spinning.” “A progress bar pops up: 20%, 50%, 75%, done.” If your design supports tooltips, you can tell your users just to point at something and ask “What's this?”
一些情况大声的说出来更简单:“篮球在旋转”“进度条达到了20%50%75%”如果你的设计提供工具提示,当用户指向某处或者问“这是什么?” |
Some things are much better eschewed than chewed; tobacco is one of them.
这些东西是最好避而不嚼,烟是为其中之一。 |
Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles, the most helpless and diseased, which in others are luxuries merely, and in others still are entirely unknown.
某些事物,在某些场合,例如在最无办法的病人中间,确是生活的必需资料,却在另一些场合,只变成了奢侈品,再换了别样的场合,又可能是闻所未闻的东西。 |
Some things in our lives only have one choice,like parents,appearance,height,etc.What we can do to them is accepting calmly.
生活中有些事情是没有第二次的,比如父母的选择,相貌的选择,身材的高矮等等。对此我们能做的唯一的事情,就是泰然处之。 |
Some things in the world are very bright indeed; spotlights, the sky, the sun, and lasers.
世界上的一些东西的确非常亮;聚光灯,天空,太阳,和激光。 |
Some things in this category include the camera, model properties, lights, particle system physics, playing sounds, playing music, handling input, changing levels, collision detection and response, and placement of 2D graphics for a heads up display, titl
在这个范畴里包括摄象机、模型属性、光照、粒子系统物理、播放声音、播放音乐、处理输入、改变关卡、碰撞检测和响应,及2D图形的放置以实现一些覆盖内容的显示、标题屏幕等等。 |
Some things just work better for some people than others.
某些东西在某些人身上特别有效。 |
Some things to consider when choosing a wax are the environmental conditions in your area and the amount of time you are willing to invest in waxing each year.
还有一些事值得考虑的是您可以根据您的环境条件去选一款蜡,然后在每一年在打蜡上投入一点钱,做几次打蜡。 |