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The torque motor received dc current signals from the electric control and applies torque to the single-piece armature and flapper which is supported on a torsion flexure.

The tornado cut a swath through the town. 龙卷风袭击该镇,留下破坏的痕迹。
The tornado looks like a funnel, and it hangs down from a dark cloud. 这个龙卷风看起来像个漏斗,它(指龙卷风)从一朵乌云延伸而下.
The torpedo homed in on its target. 鱼雷射向目标.
The torpedoed battleship went down. 被鱼雷击中的战船沉没了
The torque ancd rotational speed of a motor are the most important two parameters, their measurement must be accurate. 摘要电机的转矩和转速是最重要的两个参数,对它们的测量必须准确。
The torque motor received dc current signals from the electric control and applies torque to the single-piece armature and flapper which is supported on a torsion flexure. 力矩马达接收来自电气控制器的直流电信号并将力矩施于由转矩挠曲支撑的整体式电枢及挡板。?
The torque-limiting devices can be rapidly re-energized and boring started again. 限矩装置能迅速重新启动,钻又转起来了。
The torques are recorded with a torque sensor. 采用扭矩传感器记录扭矩。
The torrent of water turned our little boat over and we had to swim to the shore. 急流把我们的小船掀翻,我们只能游回岸上。
The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside . 那急流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟.
The torrent scoured a gully down the hillside. 那急流顺山坡而下冲出一条水沟.

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