Dutch Philips Electronics missed analysts' forecasts on Monday with a fall in third-quarter core profit, depressed by disappointing LCD display sales and asbestos charges, hurting its shares.
荷兰电子大厂飞利浦周一公布的财报显示,公司第三季净利下降,未达分析师的预期,部分是受液晶显示器(LCD)营收持平拖累。 |
Dutch advertising company gratis-post.nl will begin offering consumers a pack of five envelopes with free stamps next month that they can use for standard letters up to 20 grams.
对于那些希望在寄信时能节省44欧分邮资的荷兰消费者来说,下面这条消息可能是他们最想听到的:该国一公司即将推出一种背面印有广告的特殊信封,人们在使用这种特殊信封寄信时无需再支付任何费用。 |
Dutch auction: An auction system in which the price of the item being sold is gradually lowered until a bid is received and the sale is made.
荷兰式拍卖:一种拍买方式,其中拍品的喊价逐渐降低,直到有人接受标价,并且完成交易。 |
Dutch fans color dominate the stands in Germany.
荷兰的橙色统治了德国的赛场的看台. |
Dutch inner cities sound like war zones as the stroke of midnight approaches on Dec. 31, the only night on which setting off fireworks is legal, except for specially licensed events.
当十二月三十一日午夜的钟响起时,荷兰城内像是战场。平常除了一些经过特准的活动之外,只有这一晚放鞭炮是合法的。 |
Dutch international Dirk Kuyt reflected on his dream move to Liverpool and declared It is a special feeling to be here.
荷兰国脚库伊特实现了转会去红军的梦想,并公开表明“能够在这里感觉太奇妙了。” |
Dutch painter whose largely religious works are characterized by grotesque, fantastic creatures mingling with human figures.
博希,卡尔1874-1940德国化学家,因发展了化学高压处理方法而获1931年诺贝尔奖 |
Dutch physicist. He shared a1902 Nobel Prize for researching the influence of magnetism on radiation.
洛伦茨,亨德里克1853-1928荷兰物理学家。因在磁性对放射的影响方面的研究而获1902年诺贝尔奖 |
Dutch witches were guaranteed a financial treat when the Leeuwarden District Court reaffirmed their legal right to write off the costs of schooling — including in witchcraft — against their tax bills.
荷兰女巫已确定可享受财务优惠,因为雷瓦登地方法院最近重申她们依法有权把学费──包括学习巫术的费用在内──自税款中扣除。 |
Dutch: I'm Dutch. I love tulips.
荷兰人:我是荷兰人,我爱郁金香。 |
Dutchman Guus Hiddink says he is almost certain to take over as coach of Russia after the World Cup.
荷兰埃茵霍温队和澳大利亚国家队主教练希丁克4月10日在接受荷兰一家电视节目采访时表示,德国世界杯后他将前往俄罗斯执教。 |