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Roosevelt called Taft the most lovable personalityhe had ever known.

Rooney was sent off after 62 minutes following a stamp on Ricardo Carvalho and then a push on Ronaldo, who rushed towards the referee after the incident. 鲁尼在62分钟后因为踩踏里卡多.卡瓦略和推搡罗纳尔多被罚下,而那个时候罗纳尔多在踩踏事件发生后冲向裁判。
Rooney was sent off in United's opening Amsterdam Tournament win over FC Porto. 鲁尼在阿姆斯特丹杯友谊赛和波尔图的比赛中被罚下。
Rooney's insatiable hunger for football has left a lasting impression on the United boss, who describes the forward's appetite for training as unbelievable. 鲁尼对踢球的渴望使爵爷印象深刻,爵爷把鲁尼对训练的喜爱表述为“不可思议”。
Rooney's manager Sir Alex Ferguson believes Wayne is a worthy addition to the roll-call of players who've worn the iconic red shirt. 鲁尼的教练弗格森爵士认为,维恩是身穿红色球衣球员中的杰出代表。
Roosevelt aimed to please the poor and the working class and they all thought he was a savior. 罗斯福为贫苦大众和劳动阶级着想,从而被他们当成救星。
Roosevelt called Taft the most lovable personalityhe had ever known. 罗斯福总统称塔夫特是他所知道人里具有最值得爱戴人格的人。
Roosevelt considered him a true and trusted friend,and admired van Loon's Our Battle—Being One Man's Answer to My Battleby Adolf Hitler, 1938, in which he exhorted Americans to fight totalitarianism. 罗斯福视其为“一位真正的和值得信任的朋友”,并对房龙的《我们的奋斗——对希特勒所著〈我的奋斗〉的回答》(1938)表示钦佩;在那本书里,房龙鼓励美国人与极权主义作斗争。
Roosevelt once said, I don‘t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn‘t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth. (Stannard, Op.Cit. 罗斯福说:“这是不可避免而且最终有利的,我不想走得太远去说只有死掉的印第安人才是好的,但是我相信10个好印第安人有9个是死了的,而且我也不愿意去仔细查询第10个死亡的案情。
Roosevelt's idea was to convert it to an archive. 罗斯福总统的意见是将其用于各种档案的储存。
Rooster is a very observant person. 属鸡的人观察力非常敏锐。
Rooster: He's so dull, it makes me nod off. 公鸡:他是那么的乏味,让我犯困。

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