Zeus:Your power are not match for me!
“你的力量比起我实在太渺小了!” |
Zeus: Take this weapon Kratos, take this power, and use it to defeat your enemies.
宙斯:“拿起这武器,带上这力量,用他来击败你的敌人。” |
Zeus: You have done well Kratos. Go with the gods, go forth in the name of Olympus.
宙斯:“你做的很好,克瑞托斯,原众神与你同在,继续前进,以奥林匹斯众神的名义。” |
Zezula said the family has been encouraged to consider a lawsuit, but they will have to mull it over .
泽兹拉说,有人鼓励他们上法庭,但是他们得“考虑一下”。 |
Zh Zh Company when one year, people's government chosen ass advanced enterprise of the foreign export,Gaozhou county lay special stress on protecting enterprisesGaozhou county city separately, pay taxes in the industrial enterprise of the outstanding cont
卓奇公司在2000-2003年度时里,分别被高州市人民政府评为“外贸出口先进企业”、“高州市重点保护企业”、“纳税突出贡献工业企业”;还多次荣获茂名市政府颁发的“茂名市发展非公有制经济突出贡献者”及“茂名市优秀民营企业”等奖项;在2003年度5月更是获得了高州市劳动竞赛委员会颁发的“十大突出贡献单位”奖。 |
Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in north-east China.
扎龙是中国东北部黑龙江省的一个自然保护区。 |
Zhan Park to Jervois landscape architectural tone for the integrated Chinese classical gardens of the essence, the layout became stressed Lingnan Water Village, concise and imposing structure, simple and free and easy style.
詹园建筑以苏杭园林为基调,综合中国古典园林之精髓,强调岭南水乡的布局脉络,结构简洁而凝重,风格古朴而洒脱。 |
Zhan Tianyou (1861 – 1919) had family roots in Wuyuan County, Anhui Province (now under the jurisdiction of Jiangxi Province).
詹天佑(1861—1919):字眷诚,原安徽婺源县(今属江西省)人,生于广东南海,铁路工程师。 |
Zhan entered the park, the territory has a seductive, everywhere soliciting idea has become home to, can swim, can reward the valuable art landscape.
进入詹园,处处有养眼之境、处处引人遐思,已成为可居、可游、可赏的珍贵艺术景观。 |
Zhan li,Yu Yang,Development of Container Ship Fleets for the Yangtze River and Short Sea Transport,Transactions of the Royal Institution of NavalArchitects Part B,Vol.133,1991.
李湛、郑险峰、杨槱,运输船队系统分析的一种模糊数学规划模型,上海交通大学学报,1991(2)。 |
Zhang : We can't say that it's the influence of the area for we choose the place with thousands years culture to do the project.
张总:说是鹿回头给半岛龙湾造成了影响,那就太冤枉半岛龙湾了,因为鹿回头的任何产业都要依赖于这个区位的上千年文化。 |