When spoken again the program recognizes the closest pattern and displays a result.
当再次听到这种语言时,这个程序辨认与它最相似的模式并显示出一个结果。 |
When spongy material is sewn,it will not transform;instead, it shall be sewn very smoothly and neatly.
采用齿轮送及针送式轮线,押脚,爬坡时仍能保持一定之缝目。 |
When spongy material is sewn,it will not transform;instead,it shall be sewn very smoothly and neatly.
针车海绵、薄皮之特、力保平滑均匀,不起绉,不曲形。 |
When spotting steep, medium-height problems, aim to grab the boulderer on both sides of the upper back, just below the armpits.
站在可能的脱落位置之后一步左右,随着抱石者移动。 |
When sprayed with tear gas, a player will have severe visual limitations imposed on him by way of blurred vision and the gas cloud.
当在游戏中被催泪瓦斯喷到时,你会因为视觉模糊和瓦斯烟雾等强制的视觉效果而使你无法看清东西。 |
When spring arrives, leaves grow on trees and flowers start to bloom.
春天降临的时候,树上长叶子,花也开了。 |
When stacking images, the images can be shifted to compensate for the motion of an object (asteroid or comet), which will enable the user to get reliable positions even for very faint objects (so that the object cannot be captured in a single, short expos
叠加处理时,各图片会相应移动来自动补偿天体(小行星或彗星)的运动,这样可以使使用者即使碰到暗弱的目标(在一张短时间暴光的图片上无法成像)也可以较准确的定位,或者快速移动的目标(在一张长时间暴光的图片上是一条短线轨迹)。 |
When stacking is performed, such amplitude values should be added at various points on the ellipsoid instead of being merely added at the CMP.
因此,在叠加时,该振幅值就不是只在共中心点(CMP)上相加,而应该在椭圆面上各个点相加(当然,在不同点上振幅值是变化的)。 |
When stained with Congo red and observed under polarized light, the amyloid has a characteristic apple greenbirefringence as seen here in a deposit around an artery in the heart.
刚果红染色,在偏振光下观察,如图所见在心脏一动脉周围的沉积物,淀粉样物质呈现典型的“苹果绿”双折射光。 |
When stalking seals on the ice, a polar bear was once seen to cover up its black nose with its furry paw so that it could not be seen!
当北极熊在冰面上捕食海豹时,它会用白色的前爪遮住黑色的鼻子,以此避免因为颜色的差异而被发现! |
When standing erect he was six feet four inches tall, and this is what he said.
他站立的时候,身高六英尺四英寸。他是这样说的。 |