Article 66 The bearer shall give written notice of the refusal to accept or pay to his prior party within three days of receiving relevant certification denoting non-acceptance or non-payment; the prior party shall notify his prior party of the notice he
第六十六条持票人应当自收到被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明之日起三日内,将被拒绝事由书面通知其前手;其前手应当自收到通知之日起三日内书面通知其再前手。 |
Article 66 The holder shall, within three days after receiving the relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment, notify his prior parties in writing of the fact of dishonor; the said prior parties shall, within three days after receiving the not
第六十六条持票人应当自收到被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明之日起三日内,将被拒绝事由书面通知其前手;其前手应当自收到通知之日起三日内书面通知其再前手。 |
Article 66 The securities supervision and administration institution under the State Council shall make an announcement in time with respect to the nullification of listing qualifications of a listed company that has committed major illegal acts or does n
第六十六条国务院证券监督管理机构对有重大违法行为或者不具备其他上市条件的上市公司取消其上市资格的,应当及时作出公告。 |
Article 66 The shipper shall have the goods properly packed and shall guarantee the accuracy of the description, mark, number of packages or pieces, weight or quantity of the goods at the time of shipment and shall indemnity the carrier against any loss r
第六十六条托运人托运货物,应当妥善包装,并向承运人保证,货物装船时所提供的货物的品名、标志、包数或者件数、重量或者体积的正确性;由于装不良或者上述资料不正确,对承运人造成损失的,托运人应当负赔偿责任。 |
Article 66 When necessary, the health administrative department under the State Council shall order the health and quarantine organs to check the valid certificate of certain preventive inoculation or health certificate of the persons upon their arrival a
第六十六条国务院卫生行政部门认为必要时,可以要求来自国外或者国外某些地区的人员负在入境时,向卫生检疫机关出示有效的某种预防接种证书或者健康证明。 |
Article 66 Whoever, in violation of this Law, has solid waste from abroad dumped, piled up, or treated within the territory of China, or imports solid waste as raw material without permission of the competent administrative department under the State Coun
第六十六条违反本法规定,将中国境外的固体废物进境倾倒、堆放、处置,或者未经国务院有关主管部门许可擅自进口固体废物用作原料的,由海关责令退运该固体废物,可以并处十万元以上一百万元以下的罚款。 |
Article 66. The administrative authority for patent affairs may not take part in recommending any patented product for sale to the public or any such commercial activities.
第六十六条管理专利工作的部门不得参与向社会推荐专利产品等经营活动。 |
Article 66: If a creditor is dissatisfied with a ruling rendered by the people's court pursuant to the first paragraph of Article 65 hereof, or if creditors whose claim amounts account for one-half or more of the total amount of claims not secured by prop
第六十六条?债权人对人民法院依照本法第六十五条第一款作出的裁定不服的,债权额占无财产担保债权总额二分之一以上的债权人对人民法院依照本法第六十五条第二款作出的裁定不服的,可以自裁定宣布之日或者收到通知之日起十五日内向该人民法院申请复议。 |
Article 67 A people's congress at any level and the standing committee of the people's congress at or above the county level have the power to conduct investigations of major issues or specific questions concerning the budget or final accounts; government
第六十七条各级人民代表大会和县级以上各级人民代表大会常务委员会有权就预算、决算中的重大事项或者特定问题组织调查,有关的政府、部门、单位和个人应当如实反映情况和提供必要的材料。 |
Article 67 If business is conducted in the name of the partnership while its business license is not issued, such business shall be ordered to cease operation, and a fine of not more than 5,000 Yuan may be imposed.
第六十七条违反本法规定,未依法领取营业执照,而以合伙企业名义从事经营活动的,责令停止经营活动,可以处以五千元以下的罚款。 |
Article 67 If the insured suffers from death, disability, or illness as a result of a third party's conduct, the insurer shall have no right of subrogation against the third party after the payment of the insurance benefits.
第六十七条人身保险的被保险人因第三者的行为而发生死亡、伤残或者疾病等保险事故的,保险人向被保险人或者受益人给付保险金后,不得享有向第三者追偿的权利。 |