But officials from the Child Protection in Sports Unit reported Blair to police who then questioned promising fencer Gandolfi about the incident.
但体育联合会的儿童保护组织官员却将布莱尔夫人的行为向警方报了案。警方随后也对小有名气的击剑运动员冈多尔菲询问了事情的经过。 |
But officials say the problem is not enough testing centers worldwide to administer the new Internet-based version.
但有关人员称目前的问题是全球范围内没有足够数量的考试中心来管理基于互联网的考试。 |
But often once you buy a book you feel obligated to read it, even if it is drivel.
但是你可能经常会买回来一本你发现并不喜欢的书。 |
But often the best way to determine the difference between a hill and a mountain is just to ask the local people.
不过通常决定山岳与丘陵的最好方法就是问问当地居民。 |
But often what is not obvious when reading a manufacturer's data sheet is how the initial accuracy of the device is affected by other key device parameters such as line regulation , load regulation, initial voltage error, output voltage temperature coeffi
但,人们阅读厂家的数据手册时,因受诸如(电源电压)线性调整率、负载调整率、初始电压误差、输出电压温度系数TC、热迟滞(系数)、静态电流和长期稳定度等参数的影响而使初始精度往往不明显。 |
But oil prices remain a wild card in the forecasts -- and in the Fed's calculations.
但是,原油价格对于美国经济前景仍是一张百搭牌,它也在美联储的考虑之中。 |
But old age withers all men's minds alike, and at a faster rate than women's, according to Prof Elizabeth Maylor.
不过,所有男人上了年纪后,心智都会退化,而且比女人退化的速度还快,梅勒教授指出。 |
But on 1 December 2003, communities, organizations, and institutions affected by HIV/AIDS will observe World AIDS Day with common solemnity and resolve.
可是在2003年12月1日,受到爱滋病波及的社区、组织、机构将以肃穆和决心来纪念世界爱滋病日。 |
But on Ashurst there had now come a feeling of paralysis.
但这时艾舍斯特却不知道怎么办才好。 |
But on August 16, 1939, the Hippodrome closed its doors for the last time.
但是在1939年8月16日,竞技场剧院在最后一场表演结束后,也正式关闭了。 |
But on December 6th he had the chance to repair his liberal credentials when he launched a green paper on the EU's trade-defence policy.
不过,十二月六日,他终于有机会修补他作为贸易自由主义者的声誉,在这一天他公布了欧盟的贸易防卫政策绿皮书。 |