Since May 14 2007 the US Postal Service had eliminated international surface mail services. So the postage of a one-pound package is now over 10 US dollars.
因为美国邮政局自2007年五月十四日起已经取消国际水陆服务。因此一磅的包裹邮资现在已超过十美金。 |
Since McGuffey was a Calvinist, he believed that God's word applied to all of life; his Readers reflect this conviction.
初级读本描绘神是一个创造者、维护生命者、及世界的审判官。 |
Since Milarepa had overcome his tendency towards malice, the uncle's atitude also declined.
自从密勒日巴消除了他的仇恨,他伯父的态度也开始变得缓和。 |
Since Mother is not here, my foster parents give me a hot water bottle and feed me by hand to keep me strong and growing.
妈妈不在,所以托养家庭给我一个暖水袋和用猫奶粉喂我,让我成长茁壮。 |
Since Mr Chirac might also stand again, undeclared warfare is promised.
既然希拉克也有可能站出来参选,两人之间不公开的竞争就在所难免。 |
Since Mr. A has already apologized for his wrong doing , we don't have to rub his nose in it.
先生已经为他的错误道歉,我们不必再揭他的疮疤。 |
Since Mr. A still has some mental problem, he may have to stay at the halfway house longer.
(由于A先生脑子还有一些不正常,他要在教习所居留久些。) |
Since Nanpu Bridge was built in 1991, Yangpu Bridge, Xupu Bridge, Fengpu Bridge, Lupu Bridge have emerged like rainbows over the Hangpu River on after another.
“一桥飞架黄浦”的梦想从1991年南浦大桥竣工通车开始,杨浦、徐浦、奉浦、卢浦,一座接着一座,在浦东上空划出雄浑的弧线。 |
Since New China was proclaimed 56 years ago and, in particular, since the beginning of our reform and opening up program, China has undergone earth-shaking changes and achieved world-stunning successes.
新中国成立五十六年来特别是改革开放以来,我们国家发生了翻天覆地的变化,取得了举世瞩目的伟大成就。 |
Since North Korea fired a long-range missile over Japan in 1998, Japan and America have worked closely to develop systems that send interceptor missiles to destroy incoming warheads, and last week agreed to speed up their deployment.
自朝鲜于1998年发射的一枚远程导弹飞越日本上空后,日本和美国进行了紧密合作,研发发射拦截导弹摧毁来袭弹头的系统,并于上周同意加快其研发进程。 |
Since November 1997, it has earned a profit of 52,300,000 RMB, representing 22.6 percent in the total income and directly or indirectly provided 16,000 jobs.
1997年11月以来,服务业已赢利5230万人民币,占总收入的22.6%,直接或间接为16000人提供了工作。 |