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Heat transfer, structural and coupling analysis are completed to illustrate the influence of the distribution of temperature, the deformation and the thermal stress of the brake drum in different cling fins and under various loads.

Heat the olive oil with garlic and chilli gently in saucepan. Discard the garlic and chilli when it turns golden. 将蒜头及辣椒乾放橄榄油起锅,直至其变成金黄后即可丢去。
Heat the rest of the milk gently, add in sugar, then soaked gelatin until it melts. Take care not to let the milk boil. 将糖加入余下的牛奶,小心加热,不要让牛奶沸腾了。加入吉利丁,使之融化。
Heat the strawberry mixture to boiling over medium heat, and allow it to boil for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently. 中火加热煮沸果肉,继续边煮边搅拌5分钟直到酱汁呈浓稠状。
Heat transfer and estimate during boiling in microchannel flow and design constraints are discussed in the paper. 本文从紧凑式微通道蒸发器内的传热、换热量的估算和设计时理论限制方面进行了讨论。
Heat transfer coefficients in a packed bed have been investigated by Leva and Beck. 填充床的传热系数已由利瓦和贝克作过研究。
Heat transfer, structural and coupling analysis are completed to illustrate the influence of the distribution of temperature, the deformation and the thermal stress of the brake drum in different cling fins and under various loads. 通过对制动鼓模型的热分析、结构分析和热应力耦合分析说明了加筋方式对制动鼓的温度分布、变形及热应力的影响。
Heat treated specimen, under the heat treatment temperature of 720、760、800 and 1050℃, and non-heat treated specimen are studied through normal mechanics tests and rupture test. 对经720、760、800和1050℃温度下热处理的试样和未经热处理的试样进行了常规力学性能试验和持久强度试验。
Heat treatment is more effective if combined with Chinese traditional medicine. 热疗与传统中医结合疗效更好。
Heat treatment procedure shall be submitted for KRE approal. 热处理程序须提交KRE报批。
Heat treatment procedure shall be submitted for KRE approval. 热处理程序须提交KRE报批。
Heat turns water into steam. 热把水变成蒸气。

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