It inclines you to cherish subtle states conducive to a joy that is unknown to most people.
它使你倾向于珍藏一些微妙的光景或状态,这有助于增进一种对很多人而言比较陌生的乐趣。 |
It include the harmonious with the different culture type and the culture main factor, having the characteristic unify completely with science spirit and humanities spirit, world progressing current and the spirit of ethos, satisfying mass spirit needing
它包括不同文化类型和构成文化诸要素之间的和谐,具有科学精神与人文精神、世界进步潮流与民族精神、满足大众的精神需要与提升人的精神境界、有利于人的全面发展与社会健康发展等相统一的特征。 |
It included 2,000 salaried employees, mainly from the sprawling headquarters in suburban Detroit.
其中包括2000名全职雇员,主要来自底特律郊区总部的烂摊子。 |
It included Karaji's binomial theorem and rules of the arithmetic polynomial operations and developed Karaji's theory of polynomial.
其中保存了凯拉吉的关于二项式定理的工作以及多项式的运算法则,并进一步发展了凯拉吉的多项式理论。 |
It included a Tai-chi park, a traditional Chinese restaurant, a stage for Chinese operas and a history museum built from the tenement houses in Shamshiupo.
由于区内老人很多,参加者建议加设「老人街」,有太极园、茶楼、大戏棚及以唐楼改建成的历史博物馆,为区内长者提供消閒设施。 |
It included a moment of silence on the Virginia Tech campus at noon.
其中包括中午在弗吉尼亚理工大学校园里的一个默哀仪式。 |
It included low amylose and protein material's selection in early generation, low protein rice culture, purchase according to quality, paddy and brown rice choiceness and super low temperature store.
包括低直链淀粉及蛋白质含量材料的早期筛选,低蛋白米栽培,分品质收购,稻谷精选,糙米色选,超低温贮藏技术等。 |
It included one armoured locomotive, two armoured wagons - overall 2 guns and 12 machineguns.
它包括一个装甲机车头和两节装甲车,装备2门大炮和12挺机枪。 |
It included the bottom ,which had inching and moving flapper of 5 pieces knifes side to side in the menu.
菜单中有5把刀的左右点动和活动挡板左右点动的按钮。 |
It included the death of 23 people in Shangluo City as of August 1, according to local flood control authorities.
据当地防洪防汛指挥办公布,另外23人是8月1日商洛市的死亡人数。 |
It included written mate ri als and teach ing activ i ties for the dif fer ent stages of exer cisc.
本研究根据员工自己参与的意愿,进行运动行为计划之介入,收案资料共有193人,其中实验组有133人,对照组有60人。 |