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A supernova is a violent explosion that happens to the most massive stars.

A superfluous word or phrase. 冗词多余的词或短语
A superhighway will be constructed next year. 明年将要修建一条超级高速公路。
A superior, dairy-based nutritional supplement for toddlers over 12 months, as part of a healthy diet. 最为营养膳食的一部分,给予牛乳的高级配方为超过12个月的宝宝提供营养补给。
A supernatural being; a ghost or specter. 下凡的神仙超自然力的灵魂;鬼魂或幽灵
A supernatural creature of Scandinavian folklore, variously portrayed as a friendly or mischievous dwarf or as a giant, that lives in caves, in the hills, or under bridges. 巨人,巨怪斯堪的那维亚民间传说中的超自然的生物,时而被描述成友好的或顽皮的侏儒,时而被描述成巨人,居住在山洞里、小山上或桥下
A supernova is a violent explosion that happens to the most massive stars. 超新星是指具有超大质量的恒星所产生的猛烈的爆炸。
A supernova is observed by the Chinese and Amerindians near the star Tauri. 1054年的今天,一颗位于金牛座附近的超新星被中国及印第安人发现并记载。
A superposition cut is used to describe a cross section of a part by revolving it around an axis of revolution and placing it on the views on the axis. 在不影响图形清晰的条件下,断面也可按投影关系画在视图内,画在视图内的断面图称为重合断面图(简称重合断面)。
A superstructure at the stern of a ship. 船楼,艉位于船尾部的上层结构
A supervised, inexpensive lodging place for travelers, especially young travelers. 旅社,招待所供给旅行者,特别是青年旅行者的受监督的便宜的住宿处
A supervision system of coal power injection was realized using Simatic S7- 300 and WCC6.0, after analyze the techniques of blast furnace pudding. 本文通过分析高炉喷吹煤粉炼铁的工艺过程,用西门子系列的S7-300和WCC6.0实现了对喷吹过程的监控。

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