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So the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet: for his God gave him rest round about.

So the public opinion about the reminiscence of Han is not simply the recall of the Western Han, but a high-level rational return to political systems in Han dynasty because the establishment of political ruling patterns in Han is modeled to be followed i 思汉的社会舆论不是简单地对刘汉王朝的怀念,而是在更高层次上对汉政的理性回归,汉政的统治模式的定型和确立,也为后世王朝所遵循。
So the question, in part, becomes: Where can you make the biggest difference? And the answer to that question comes back: with the New York Yankees. 所以问题,某种程度上,变成:在哪一个球队中你能做在大的变革?答案就是:洋基。
So the railroad will buy the spark arrestor. 所以铁路将购买阻火器。
So the rate of biological evolution in humans, is about a bit a year. 因此人类生物进化的速度大约是一年一“位”。
So the rationality of punishing drunk crime is proved according to the analysis of drunk crime and the drunk criminal's penal ability. 为此,通过对醉酒犯罪行为、醉酒犯罪人刑事责任能力的剖析来论证处罚醉酒犯罪的合理性。
So the realm of Jehoshaphat was quiet: for his God gave him rest round about. 30这样,约沙法的国得享太平,因为神赐他四境平安。
So the recent spate of bids, or rumoured bids, for media and telecoms companies is causing particular nervousness (see article). 所以最近媒体和电信公司的大量竞购,或竞购传闻正引起不同寻常的紧张气氛。
So the reporters saw lots of [ticket hawkers] last night at the venue of the opening ceremony, they tried to buy tickets with a higher price for this concert. 而这种兴趣也可以用来解释记者为什么会在今晚的开幕式场馆外看到更多的票贩子高价收购明晚“明星演唱会”的入场券。
So the researchers reason that while wine fights S.mutans and S. pyogenes, wine also contains compounds that dilute those benefits, to some extent. 因此研究人员推断虽然酒能抑制变异链球菌和化脓性链球菌,但酒中也含有某些成分会在某种程度上降低这种作用。
So the researchers suggest 5 methods that could decrease costs and increase production of sorghum. 因此研究人员提出了5种办法,这些方法可以在降低成本的同时提高高梁产量。
So the researchers suggest five methods that could decrease costs and increase production of sorghum . 因此研究人员提出了5种降低成本、提高高梁产量的办法。

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