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But girls whose ring fingers are smaller in relation to their index finger are likely to be stronger in literacy.

But getting a deal past the antitrust police is only half the battle. 但是,让交易通过反垄断当局的审查只是斗争的一半。
But getting back is becoming harder. 但现在要想回来就越来越不容易了。
But getting the antigen to the dendritic cells, which are normally widely dispersed in the body, by injecting it directly has proved an ineffective form of administration. 不过,为了让抗原结合到通常散布在全身各处的树突细胞,而直接把抗原注射到体内,已经证明是无效的做法。
But getting the ministry's powerful and secretive bureaucracy to co-operate in the fight against disease is quite a struggle. 但要让这个掌握实权而又行事隐秘的官僚机构通力合作对抗疾病却又颇费周折。
But getting the tickets through a travel agency is a good idea too. 但是透过旅行社来买票也是个好点子。
But girls whose ring fingers are smaller in relation to their index finger are likely to be stronger in literacy. 但无名指比食指小一些的女孩很可能识字能力更为出色。
But give the things which are within as alms, and behold, all things are clean to you. 41只要把里面的施舍给人,看哪,凡物于你们就都洁净了。
But given its hegemonic intent, China is loath to settle on the basis of the status quo. 但由于中国的霸权意图,它不愿意以现状为基础定下来。
But given the form of Mathieu Flamini and the return of Gael Clichy, Cole does not assume he will be first choice for his club side right now — even though the Champions League Final is eight days away. 但随着弗拉米尼和克利希的回归,科尔不确定他是否还是俱乐部的第一选择--即使距离冠军杯的决赛还有八天。
But given the legacy of World War II and constitutional restrictions that limit Japan's military to a defense force, even the idea of a debate over a nuclear arsenal is a significant change. 但是二战的遗留物和宪法对日本军队防卫力量的限制,甚至对核武器的反对的观念是有意义的改变。
But global competition for limited petroleum and natural gas resources is intense, and even mild production shortages can send prices skyrocketing, as we have seen in the past few months. 但全世界都在激烈争夺有限的石油和天然气资源,即使小幅度减产都会造成油价飙涨,最近几个月就是这样。

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