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I did not mean to offend you.

I did not like her to begin with , but now she is one of my best friends. 起初我并不喜欢她,现在她已经是我最好的朋友之一了。
I did not like the grill green pepper, tasted too strange. 我不喜欢烤青椒,味道怪怪的。
I did not like the way he eyed me. 我不喜欢他盯著我的样子看。
I did not like this plan. 我并不喜欢这样的计划。
I did not make both ends meet last month, so i have to tighten my belt from this month. 上个月入不敷出,导致这个月我得勒紧裤腰带过日子.
I did not mean to offend you. 我不是故意冒犯你。
I did not object to the object. 我没有反对客观事物。
I did not offend you on purpose. 我不是故意冒犯你。
I did not refuse the Juve job and the rapport between us remains splendid. 我没有拒绝尤文的职位,和球队之间的关系也非常和谐。
I did not say I must sale it on that price, if anybody likes it, I can sale it below 100. And this one is totally new as well. 老实说,130价格就算能再商量也便宜不了多少,110磅我卖你全新的,要多少给多少.
I did not say a word. It was the bird that sang unseen from the thicket. 我没有说出一个字。那是藏起的鸟儿在密叶中歌唱。

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