Ql: Will the correct action be made sufficiently evident to the user?
各项目功能显而易见,都是使用者经常使用到的。 |
Qo you have a balanced lifestyle?
174问:你的生活方式健康吗? |
Qo you prefer continuity in structure or frequent change in your daily work?
81问:日常工作中,你喜欢固定的工作模式还是多变的工作模式? |
Qo-ka fe pa ki ad urba? Why did she go to town?
何-为她(过去)去往城她为什么去了城里? |
Qoes the frequent travel required for this work fit into your lifestyle?
57问:经常需要出差的工作适合你的生活方式吗? |
Qotto: A glass of water.
只是一杯水呀。 |
Qotto: A loaf of bread and some cheese. I like them!
一条面包和奶酪,我喜欢它们。 |
Qr a nasty ingrown toenail.
或是指甲长到肉里头了。 |
Qr just have a plain old bad-hair day.
或许只因为你得整天顶着一个其丑无比的发型。 |
Qu Bin, Li Cun Bin, Research on Comprehensive Evaluation of Province-Level Power Grid Enterprise Informatization, The Fifth Wuhan International Conference On E-Business, Alfred University Press,2006.5.
基于粗集的评估指标体系约简方法研究,中国系统工程学会第六届决策科学年会论文集,海洋出版社,2005年10月。 |
Qu Jianguo, Chairman of Shanghai Jianguo Public Foundation (left) had a photo taken with attorney general of Canada (right) .
上海建国社会公益基金会会长瞿建国在访问加拿大时与加拿大司法部长在公益活动中合影。 |