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It was formerly called juvenile diabetes, but it can happen at any age.

It was for this reason that the mine safety predicting model of time sequence based on neural network was established. 应用神经网络建立了时间序列的矿井安全性预测模型,克服了传统预测方法必须事先构造函数的不足之处,提高了安全预测的精度。
It was foreordained that the company would suffer a spectacular collapse. 这个公司注定要彻底垮台.
It was formed in 1976 to provide solid technical and regulatory information on emission control technology for motor vehicles. 它于1976年成立,旨在在机动车排放控制方面提供相关技术服务和法律法规。
It was formed in January 1998 by a team of industry veterans specifically to focus on advanced copper metallization process technologies. 公司由一支专攻先进的铜制程科技为主的行家创建于1998年初。
It was formerly called adult-onset diabetes. 它正式的名字叫做成人型糖尿病。
It was formerly called juvenile diabetes, but it can happen at any age. 以前该病被称做少年糖尿病,但它可以发生在任何年龄段。
It was found coincidentally following the detection of hypopharyngeal carcinoma. 我们提出一下咽癌同时合并有前臂皮肤远处转移之病例。
It was found from the culture condition, morphological characters, and preservation condition of C. elegans that C. elegans grew well at 16℃ on the NGM culture medium and can be preserved for two months in the liquid of 30% Glycerol at -80℃. 通过对秀丽隐杆线虫形态、培养条件以及保存方面的研究,发现秀丽隐杆线虫在16℃NGM培养基中生长良好,将其放入30%甘油溶液中,在-80℃冰箱中可以保存较长的时间。
It was found in perfection. 它是完美的建造。
It was found in the cough syrup and other medicines blamed for last year's deaths in Panama. 去年在巴拿马,一批来自中国的咳嗽药水中含有二甘醇导致至少50人死亡。
It was found on analysis to contain traces of soda. 经分析发现它含少量的苏打。

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