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A:Allen! What are you doing here?

A:After my client had checkes out your flat,they were very interested and they would like to offer two million and eight hundred thousand dollars for your consideration. 我的客户视察完你的单位后,他们很感兴趣,现还价二百八十万元,希望你考虑一下.
A:Ah. A Peony International Card is all right for me. 啊,牡丹国际卡对我正合适。
A:All right. I want to bring everybody in on this project. When can we start working on this? 好。我想请大家集中到这个项目上来。我们什么时候可以着手这项工作呢?
A:All right.And don't worry about the noise , Mr. Wade,after two days we begin to repaire room. And enjoy your stay with us! (好的。韦德先生,我们尊重您的选择,不用担心噪音干扰,我们两天后才开工。祝您住得愉快!)
A:All right.I hope their marriage won't be on the rocks. 好的。我希望他们的婚姻不要破裂。
A:Allen! What are you doing here? 阿伦!你在这干嘛?
A:Alright! Do hurry up! We are already late. (好的,快点!我们已经迟到了。)
A:And all of the flowers are in bloom. 还有所有的花都盛开着。
A:And what's the stuff that you use to shave? 那你们用来刮脸的东西呢?
A:And,what can't you do in the playground? 噢还有你们不能在操场上做什么?
A:Ann,what ale you doing? 安妮,你在做什么?

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