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Article 10 Before the proposals and feasibility reports for the construction of key meteorological facility projects are submitted for approval, these projects shall, depending on the limits of authority for examination and approval of such projects, be s

Article 10 All citizens are equal as regards their capacity for civil rights. 第十条公民的民事权利能力一律平等。
Article 10 An enabling decision shall specify the objective and scope of the authorization. 第十条授权决定应当明确授权的目的、范围。
Article 10 An enterprise may, for the purpose of adopting new technology, new techniques and new materials and manufacturing new products, publish information on its own or entrust an intermediate institution engaged in trade of technology to solicit the 第十条企业为采用新技术、新工艺、新材料和生产新产品,可以自行发布信息或者委托技术交易中介机构征集其所需的科技成果,或者征寻科技成果转化的合作者。
Article 10 Anyone who has received junior college medical training in an institution of higher learning or received medical training in a secondary training school and has, under the supervision of a medical practitioner, served at least one year on proba 第十条具有高等学校医学专科学历或者中等专业学校医学专业学历,在执业医师指导下,在医疗、预防、保健机构中试用期满一年的,可以参加执业助理医师资格考试。
Article 10 As for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits, any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it. 第十条对生产经营者牟取暴利的行为,任何单位和个人都有权向价格监督检查机构投诉或者举报。
Article 10 Before the proposals and feasibility reports for the construction of key meteorological facility projects are submitted for approval, these projects shall, depending on the limits of authority for examination and approval of such projects, be s 第十条重要气象设施建设项目,在项目建议书和可行性研究报告报批前,应当按照项目相应的审批权限,经国务院气象主管机构或者省、自治区、直辖市气象主管机构审查同意。
Article 10 Bonded goods mentioned in Article 4 of these Regulations, while transferred for home usage, shall be approved by the former verifying department and with the Customs permission, and those subject to the import license control shall be provided 第十条企业进口本办法第四条的保税货物如转为内销,应经原审批部门批准和海关许可,并照章缴纳进口税款;其中属于国家实行进口许可证管理的商品,还应向海关交验进口许可证。
Article 10 Branches and functioning departments of an enterprise as a legal person may not act as a surety. 第十条企业法人的分支机构、职能部门不得为保证人。
Article 10 Chinese citizens residing abroad who desire to return to China for permanent residence shall complete the relevant procedures at the Chinese diplomatic missions, consular offices or other agencies located abroad that are authorized by the Minis 第十条定居国外的中国公民要求回国定居的,应当向中国驻外国的外交代表机关、领事机关或者外交部授权的其他驻外机关办理手续,也可以向有关省、自治区、直辖市的公安机关办理手续。
Article 10 Chunghwa Post shall establish an internal control and audit system for its postal savings and remittances businesses; the measures governing this system shall be drawn up by the MOTC and the MOF. 第10条中华邮政公司办理邮政储金汇兑业务,应建立内部控制及稽核制度;其办法,由交通部会同财政部定之。
Article 10 Departments in charge of highways may levy tools on vehicles that use motorways, first and second-grade highways, and large highway bridges, tunnels and ferry piers, which are built with loans or funds raised by the departments, in order to rep 第十条公路主管部门对利用集资、贷款修建的高速公路、一级公路、二级公路和大型的公路桥梁、隧道、轮渡码头,可以向过往车辆收取通行费,用于偿还集资和贷款。

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