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So he had to eat a lot of them to fill his big elephant tummy.

So he forsook the Lord, the God of his fathers, and did not walk in the way of the Lord. 王下21:22离弃耶和华他列祖的神、不遵行耶和华的道。
So he gave them to her and went in to her, and she became with child by him. 犹大就给了她,与她同寝,她就从犹大怀了孕。
So he goes out and wanders around the streets. 山姆来到丛林中,选了一棵最好的松树并砍下来,削去多余的枝杈。
So he got in touch with the grass mowers and told each of them to give him a bundle of grass. 行人就和那些割草工取得联系,请他们每人给他送一捆草来。
So he had them ejected from the court. 16就把他们撵出公堂。
So he had to eat a lot of them to fill his big elephant tummy. 所以,他要吃很多叶子才能填饱他的大象肚子。
So he has to have a period of adjustment. 他需要一段时间调整,能做成这样已经不错了。”
So he helped the little red hen took the wheat to the mill to have it ground, and came back with flour for making bread. 小猴帮它把小麦拿到磨坊磨碎,然后带着面粉回来,以便它做面包。
So he inspected comprehensively on the Western democratic regime, the educational system and the custom enlightenment. 为此,他对西方民主政体、教育制度和风俗教化进行了较为全面、细致的考察。
So he is, um, leaving from LaGuardia today to St.Louis, and then continuing tomorrow from St.Louis to Dallas? . . . OK, thank you very much. . . You're welcome. Bye. 那么他,哦,今天从拉瓜地尔去圣•路易斯,然后明天接着从圣•路易斯去达拉斯?⋯好的,非常感谢⋯不客气,再见。
So he lay with her that night. 那一夜,雅各就与她同寝。

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