The arterial wall is undergoing necrosis, and there is thrombus formation in the lumen.
动脉壁逐渐坏死,血管腔内有血栓形成。 |
The artical was based on simple data analysis and scholar's discussion, by new Japanese curriculum of basic idea, such as update model, new-old viewpoints, and optional methods, The social studies teachers know how to play a good role in differens situati
本文以简洁资料分析和学者探讨的文章爲基础,分析日本修订课程的基本理念、新的观点、修订模式、配套措施等方式,来理解其修订课程的意旨,并从学者专家的角度和学习指导要领本身的企求,拟出社会科教师在施行新课程应有的责任。 |
The artice praises his high-minded morality.The purpose of the author is to build an great and fine image just like LiuYi according to describing the interrelation among the character ,so as to express his moral evaluation to the social life and his nice
作品赞美了他高尚的道德品质.作者的目的,在于通过作品人物之间的相互关系的描写,塑造出柳毅这样一个美好的、崇高的义者形象,借以表达他对社会生活的道德评价,并寄托他对人与人关系的一种美好的理想. |
The article Overviews the principles, methods, the effect factors of the tip meristem culture of sweet potatoes and its research progress, and points out the problem that it is unknown widely, its composition of culture medium is different because of vari
摘要综述了甘薯茎尖分生组织培养的原理、方法、影响因素及其研究进展,指出了茎尖组织培养存在的未被广泛认识、由于品种差异造成的培养基成分不同、病毒再侵染、生产成本高等问题。 |
The article about the theatre gave us a few sidelights on the character of its owner.
关於该剧院的这篇文章对我们了解其业主的个性带来了意外的启示。 |
The article adopts theories such as stress-focus to calculate the structures stress; the assembly stress and the product conditions are the keystones of production; whether expediently replace glass in the field and damnify framework are considered in ser
应力分析主要采用应力集中等理论对结构进行计算;生产过程主要考虑装配应力和生产条件;维护主要考虑是否利于外场更换玻璃和更换玻璃对框架的损伤;新救生方式对舱盖设计提出的要求主要考虑舱盖整体刚度。 |
The article advanced technology schemes on Cooperation of heating and power and cooling of Natural Gas in one residential area of nanjing, Schemes choose three different equipment unit, and fix on design index base on the actual demand of cold and heat an
摘要针对南京某一居民小区,进行了天然气热电冷联产方案设计,选取了3套热力设备,并按实际冷热需求和燃机最大能力两种设计方法确定了设计指标,进行了技术经济性能的计算和分析,对比不同热力设备的技术经济性能和各方案的优缺点。 |
The article aimed at the uncertainty in actual industrial control, combined Robust Control with Adaptive Control, proposed an improved Robust GMC based on invariable constant linear model and applied it in the actual paper industry, with MATLAB simu-latio
文章针对实际工业控制中的不确定性,将鲁棒控制与自适应控制相结合,提出一种改进的基于定常线性模型的鲁棒GMC控制,并将它应用到实际造纸工业中,经MATLAB模拟仿真,取得了较好的效果,具有一定的实际应用价值。 |
The article aims at meeting a successful weaving of pure cotton fine count and high density satin fabric on new-type air jet loom by using better sizing compatibility of PVA, modified starch and acrylic size based adopting processing route of high-pressur
摘要利用PVA、变性淀粉、丙烯浆料各组分之间良好的溶性,采用“两高一低”上浆工艺路线,以改善浆纱的浸透与被覆增加耐磨,贴伏毛羽,提高开口清晰度,来满足纯棉高支高密贡缎织物在新型喷气织机上的织造要求。 |
The article aims to make a typological analysis of these perspectives and explore into the essential attribute of corruption as well as the law of its root and growth, so as to provide bases for effective curbing strategies by summarizing the definition o
从理论与实践方面对“腐败”的定义进行归纳与分析,探讨腐败滋生的原因,从而科学地理解与把握道德论、现代化论、权力关系论、社会文化论、体制?制度论、政治经济学等各种观照腐败的不同视角,并对这些观照视角进行类型化的分析,可以探究出腐败的本质属性及其滋生蔓延的规律,为制定行之有效的治理腐败方略提供依据。 |
The article all-directional investigates the path of concrete literature revolution for launching revolution strategy of the Radical Scholars in May 4th in the situation of May 4th culture radicalism's words.
摘要本文立足于五四文化激进主义的话语情境中,从文学革命路径入手,全方位地考察了五四激进文人的革命策略。 |