The Gross Domestic Production value in Xiangzhou District reached 8.25 billion Yuan from January to September, among which the tertiary industry saw a higher growth rate, with business income increased by 24.8% to 16.39 billion Yuan, and value-added outpu
一至九月,香洲区实现国内生产总值82.5亿元,其中第三产业保持了较快增长,营业收入和实现增加值分别为达163.9亿元和40.4亿元,同比分别增长24.8%和21.3%。 |
The Ground coffee are lightly roasted. The fine taste is the best start into a new day.
简介:味道平和香柔,中等醇度,味道中苦中带甜,早晨喝一杯咖啡,度快乐的一天。 |
The Group Constituency Representation (GRC) was established in the 1988 to with deal with the rising unpopularity of the ruling party.
1988年,为了因应对执政党的不满日益升高,而有了多席代表选区(GRC)的成立。 |
The Group Corporation makes full use of oversease network companies' cooperation between foreign companies and enterprises, actively carrying out complementary trading business, inter-designated business.Through the geographical advantage of the networks,
集团利用在海外各网点与国外企业、公司的合作关系,积极进行互补的进出口贸易、往来产品指令运输,并通过网点的地理优势,积极从事国内企业在国外地区的内陆多式联运,从而为国内企业及用户实现可监控条件下真正意义上的“门—门”交付。 |
The Group also has advanced test facilities for filtering products, such as the state-level quality control and test center for filtering and separating machineries, air filter test rig , lube oil test rig , fuel filter test rig and accurate testing syste
拥有国家级的过滤与分离机械产品质量监督检测中心,空气滤试验台、机油滤试验台、燃油滤试验台及高精度的测试系统,使过滤技术处于国内先进水平,保证了产品的研制和产品的技术性能要求。 |
The Group builds accountability into its operations by being transparent and engaging in open dialogue with its stakeholders.
集团建立起责任制度来确保其运作的透明,并积极与股东公开对话。 |
The Group contributed to some exhibitions during the year, such as the EduFrance Exhibition in Shanghai gathering Chinese universities, top French engineering schools, French officials and Enterprises like Saint-Gobain.
圣戈班还参加了一些展览会,比如在上海举行的法国教育展。该展会聚集了中国和法国的一些最著名的大学和高等教育机构,法国政府部门和企业(如圣戈班)。 |
The Group has advanced test facilities for automotive components, such as A/C system, power steering and filters.
集团拥有先进的汽车零部件检测试验设备,可对汽车空调系统、动力转向系统、汽车“三滤”等产品进行性能测试。 |
The Group has an annual production capacity of printing &dyeing 580 million meters, filature 18,000 tons, weaving 8.5million meters, dyestuff 10,000 tons, cement 220,000 tons, standard cathodal copper 15,000 tons and power generation 230 million KWH.
集团公司年生产能力达到印染布匹5.8亿米,纺丝18000吨,织布850万0米,生产染料1万吨,水泥22万吨,标准阴极铜1.5万吨,发电2.3亿度等。 |
The Group has an interest in Hongkong Electric Holdings (HEH), the sole electricity supplier to Hong Kong Island and Lamma Island.
集团持有香港电灯集团(「港灯」)的权益,也是赫斯基能源的主要股东。 |
The Group has its roots originating in 1990 when the first Raffles Design Institute was established in Singapore with the help of the Singapore Economic Development Board.
该集团创办于1990年,当时在新加坡经济发展总署的协助下,第一所莱佛士设计学院在新加坡正式成立。 |