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Axe -- Execution of military duty.

Away with biographies and histories, and libraries and museums! 挽歌和哀乐,去它们的!
Away, I'd rather sail away like a swan that's here and gone. 我宁愿像只天鹅般四处悠游。
Aweto is rich in aweto acid, vitamin B12, protein, etc., which has special curative effect of Chinese traditional nourishment treatment. 美国富恩堂虫草软胶囊采用冬虫夏草冻干粉精制而成。富含虫草酸(即甘露醇)、维生素B12、蛋白质等,具有我国传统的“食养疗法”之奇效。
Awful fighting system Does a terrible job of duplicating the cartoon's look and feel WII version's controls lack precision Uninteresting opponents. 缺点:格斗系统很差;角色造型和感觉都没有处理好;Wii版的操作缺少精确度;敌人很没挑战性。
Awfully sorry, sir. There are no rooms available now. 前台职员:非常抱歉,先生。现在没有空房了。
Axe -- Execution of military duty. 斧-军务令行。
Axe Specialization – Renamed “Poleaxe Specialization”: Now increases crit chance with Axes and Polearms by 1/2/3/4/5%. 斧类武器专精-改为“长柄武器及斧专精”:增加斧类武器和长柄武器的致命一击几率1/2/3/4/5%。
Axe the tax on taxis. Wax may relax the body. 削减出租车的税费。蜂蜡可以使身体放松.
Axelrod L,Lnsulin.prostaglandins and the pathogenesis of hypertension[J].Diabetes,1991,40:1223. 汪恕萍,周波.糖尿病植物神经病变的发生及其现代认识与评价[J].实用糖尿病杂志,1998,6(3):4.
Axelrod L.Insulin,prostaglandins,and the pathogenesis of hypertension[J].Diabetes 1991,10:1 223~1 227. 杨曙光,解直彬.胰岛素抵抗与高血压[J].医师进修杂志,1994,2:35.
Axelrod, Robert, and Robert, Keohane. Cooperation Under Anarchy.Princeton University Press, 1986. 无政府下的合作〉,普林斯顿大学出版,1986年。

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