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In this report, based on some morphological characters, a systematic treatment is given to the species of the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) of Taiwan.

In this region of a recent fracture, callus is seen forming at the broken ends of bony trabeculae that extend to the center from the left and top. 在新骨折区域可见骨小梁破损端有从中心部延至左侧和顶部的的骨痂形成。
In this region, most endogenetic deposits are controlled by these large magmatic activity areas (zones), and a large magmatic activity area (zone) constitutes a metallogenic system. 这些岩浆岩活动区(带)控制着内蒙古自治区东部地区大部分内生矿床,也就是说每一个大型岩浆岩活动区(带)实际上是一个成矿系统。
In this reiew the arious modalities employed in the pre-LT setting are presented, and the eidence for benefit with regard to (1) improement of post-LT surial, (2) down-staging of adanced HCC to within Milan criteria and (3) preenting waiting list drop-out 这一综述阐述了肝移植前可采用的各种各样的治疗手段,并从以下几方面评估了这些治疗手段的疗效:(1)肝移植后生存期提高(2)晚期高级肝细胞肝癌分级分期降低到符合米兰标准(3)能预防病人失去肝移植机会。
In this report ,we mainly covered the following aspects of Tissue organ regeneration and replication in situ:1)Procedures of tissue organd regeneration and replication and replication in clnical practice;2)The discover and existence of Potentiald Regenera 本研究报告,重点报道了组织器官的原位再生复制的临床程序,报道了组织潜能再生细胞的发现和存在,以及该细胞的增殖分化和形成组织器官的变化规律.以烧伤后皮肤组织器官的原位再生复制为模型,研究出了体外组织潜能再生细胞复制组织器官的培养方法;以体外组织器官的复制为模型,建立了寻找原位组织器官再生复制所需生命物质的方法和技术.本研究,首先按人体的器官功能,分解为206个功能单位,确立了所复制的人体器官中的组织功能单位为组织器官,从而建立了原位组织器官再生复制的组织学基础.为了验证组织潜能再生细胞的再生潜能,建立了皮肤
In this report, a 5 year-old female patient suffered from both atrial septal defect (ASD) and ventricular septal defect (VSD) is presented. 此外,更应加强口腔清洁维护的指导,并要求病患定期牙科回诊,以减少日后牙科治疗的需求。
In this report, based on some morphological characters, a systematic treatment is given to the species of the genus Rhododendron (Ericaceae) of Taiwan. 摘要木研究以形态特徵为主,整理本省野生杜鹃花属植物。
In this report, congenital renal AVM leading to gross hematuria was diagnosed in 3 females. 本篇报告,从三位因血尿而就诊的女性患者,诊断出先天性动静脉畸型。
In this report, the basic characteristics, health effects, concentration distributions, and future research direction of bioaerosols are investigated Because Taiwan is located in a subtropical area with high temperature and relative humidity throughout th 本篇主要说明环境中上述的生物气胶,简述其基本特性、不同环境下的浓度、其可能造成的健康影响及未来的研究方向。
In this report, the growth mechanisms of ALD, instrumentation, and applications are described in details. 这篇文章将详细介绍制程原理、仪器设备与半导体工业上的应用。
In this report, we describe a 53-year-old woman presenting as an enlarging subcutaneous nodule in the right thigh for 3 months, which was excised in the belief that it was a lipoma. 我们在此报告一个53岁的女性病人主诉近3个月来在右大腿发现一个逐渐增大的皮下结节,它在被认为是脂肪瘤的诊断下接受手术切除。
In this report, we describe a case of greater omental hemorrhage in Taiwan. 一位47岁的男性,在三天前因用完大餐之后,发生持续性上腹疼痛且合并有腹膜炎徵象。

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